Kima on Facebook! & Kima's Fan Page & Kima on Kintera!
p.s. Kima would like to thank Barbarella's, Muttropolis, The Ascot Shop, Zenbu and the many other restaurants and stores that have put the Arthritis Foundation Walk poster up! Thank you!! - Thanks for all the work that you and Kima has done for the Arthritis Foundation. - Dave K. Uemura Immunology Specialist at Abbott

‘Mission Possible’ for Naval Special Warfare Foundation
Guests arriving to the breathtaking ocean bluff Point Loma home of Rebecca and Craig Irving May 9th, 2009 were welcomed by organizers and a themed banner that read “Prepare to Enter the World of Mission Possible.”
That was just the beginning.
There were interactive military static displays, military videos, and a plethora of tempting silent and live auction offerings. Guests bid on such unusual items as guest gift bags from Air Force One and the Military One Presidential Helicopter.
More items included a piece of the Berlin Wall, along with a mounted photo of President Ronald Reagan and a copy of his ‘Tear down this wall’ speech. Also up for auction was an exact movie set replica of an RPG, or Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher. But we’ll come back to that later.
Guests mixed with uniformed SEALS, enjoyed cocktails and appetizers, and later, chose from a bountiful buffet for dinner.
A new level of appreciation was garnered for many by talking with the SEALS and later, by listening to Guest Speaker Rear Admiral Joseph D. Kernan, the commander, U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/ Commander, U.S. 4th Fleet.
Among the many missions that Rear Admiral Kernan mentioned was one that was recently big in the news. It was the rescue of the pirated United States ship captain off the coast of Africa. Yet another successful real life SEALS’ story.
Among those supporting the SEALS were Joyce and John McTighe, she’s on the board, John Hawkins of Cloud 9 Shuttles, Kristin Wilson, Elena Mironova, Crystal Watkins, Wenda Alvarez, Barbara Woodbury, and Greg Stein from Neptunic Technologies. Neptunic is famous for its shark proof suits made of steel mesh.
That’s steel, like the determination of SEALS’ training, missions, and accomplishments.
Also there were Diane and David Archambault, Matt Simmons, Brian Jones, and Teddi and Jansen Buckner.
“It’s always good to see the community come together to honor these silent warriors,” said Jansen Buckner. “So much of what they do is cloaked in secrecy, as it should be; yet what they do is so essential to our national security. It’s nice to be here with them tonight and have the opportunity to thank them in person for all they do and how incredibly well they do their mission.”
And many more agreed. “They are the cream of the crop,” said Pat Whalen. Pat and her husband Bob Whalen were proud to be a part of the evening.
Proud to be there too was Matt Shillingburg, a former Army Intelligence Officer. “The SEAL - Naval Special Warfare Foundation was established in 2000 to support the active duty U.S. Navy SEALS, Special Boat Teams & support personnel at Naval Special Warfare commands, and their families. They have 3 pillars of their mission: Health and Welfare, Education with a Foundation, and History and Heritage. The Naval Special Warfare Foundation steps in to support families when tragedy strikes and an active duty member is killed or wounded in action. They offer financial assistance and a host of other benefits to these families.
'Prepare to Enter the World of Mission Possible' was the perfect theme for the Naval Special Warfare Foundation’s Benefit at the stunning home of Craig and Rebecca Irving. This extraordinary event benefited the Naval Special Warfare Foundation which focuses its efforts entirely on the Naval Special Warfare personnel and their families-our hometown heroes, the Navy SEAL Warriors with 625 people in attendance.”
Oh and by the way, Ross Woodard won the RPG replica. He always wanted one!
To learn more about the Naval Seal Warfare Foundation, visit www.nswfoundation.org
To notify her about your upcoming event, e-mail mschwab@san.rr.com.
Matt Shillingburg with Joyce McTighe ** John McTighe
The RPG Replica for auction ** David and Diane Archambault ** Pat and Bob Whalen
Patsy and David Marino
The Sponsors
Barbara Woodbury ** Kristin Wilson
Some of the amazine MILITARY MEMORABILIA for auction....
We have a number of one of a kind collectors items from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Somalia. They are currently being vetted to ensure they do not violate any US Import Restrictions. As soon as they clear we will have them posted.
Mounted SCUD Missile Nozzle from missile shot down over Saudi Arabia. Includes recovery photos,unit patches, and numerous SCUD related items.
Amazing photograph taken by the tail gunner of the Enola Gay of the Atomic Bomb Blast over Japan. Signed by the Captain plus other historical artifacts from the mission.
Black Hawk down mounted photo and pictures signed by Michael Durant - Helicopter Pilot along with Directors Cut Copy of the Movie, and studio give aways.
Operation Redwing Shirt and Photo
Private Contractors Lot:
Includes Blackwater and Triple Canopy Hats, Patches, Challenge Coins, and a copy of A Bloody Business written by Colonel Gerald Schumacher.
Exact full size replica of an RPG from a movie set.
Margaret Thatcher photo taken with two SAS Soldiers and signed by "Soldier 1"- considered to be one of the best Special Operators in the world. Includes official SAS photos of the Embassy Siege.
Framed Limited Edition print of the US Harder Submarine signed by Chester Nimitz Jr, Richard O'Kane, Eugene Fluckey, Lawson Romage, and Geirge Street III. A truly one of a kind piece!
RARE pieces of Trench Art - items fashioned into Art from shell casings by soldiers in the field.
Skunk Works Lot:
Very hard to find items from one of the US Governments most secret and successful military programs including test pilot signed photos of the SR-71 Blackbird, Titanium from the original engines, challenge coins, patches and much more!
Signed, in theater, photo card of General Norman Schwarzkopt - "Storman Norman".
Osama Bin Laden original framed FBI Most Wanted Poster.
Osama Bin Laden original State Department Wanted Poster along with an assortment of PsyOps items used by the US Special Operation Command in attempts to gain information from the general public in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Zarqawi - The heir apparent to Bin Laden and the face of Al-Qaeda in Iraq Lot:
Original items circulated by US Special Operation Command PsyOps including match books, wanted posters, and other items.A copy of the definitive book "Zarqawi" signed by the author along with videos .
Operation Redwing Photo signed by Marcus Luttrell --"The Lone Survivor"
Photo of Lt. Michael P. Murphy SEAL Medal of Honor Winner (Posthumously)mounted with identical patch from the NYFD that he wore the entire time he was in Afghanistan.
Collections of SEAL Challenge Coins.
General Patton Lot:
Includes a signed letter, original LIFE MAGAZINE WWII issue with Patton on the cover, piece of highly collectable " Patton Blue Glass".
World Trade Center 9-11 Lot.
Framed photo of the wreckage including an original ticket to the WTC Sky Deck. Copy of the Movie along with studio giveaways and a copy of "Portraits of 9-11" - the NY Times best seller that documents with a photo and brief story the people who were killed on that day. Also included are a number of unique patches from the NYFD, NYPD, and the NY FBI.
Framed and matted picture of the raising of the American Flag at Iwo Jima. Signed by the three Medal of Honor Winners from that historic battle.
Framed mounted picture of Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall along with an actual piece from the wall. This unique wall hanging has a button which when pressed plays the Presidents historic "Tear down this wall" speech.
ANTHRAX: It was not the first time! Included is a framed copy of the original warning poster sent out by the NY Postal Service and an original copy of a report published in 1907 that details an Anthrax outbreak in Arkansas.
The Fastest man Alive: A Model of the X-15 signed by Chuck Yeager along with the original copy of the 1954 issue of Newsweek which featured his flight on the cover.
A copy of the June 1985 National Geographic Magazine which featured a young Afghan girl on the cover. It was and is a picture that captivated the worlds attention. When you see it you will remember it!
A copy of American Heroes signed by Bob Beckwith with a special inscription thanking you for supporting the SEALs. Who's Bob? IF you remember the photo of President Bush standing atop a smoking pile of rubble at Ground Zero then you will remember a retire NYC Fireman along side him. That was Bob Beckwith!
Signed photo of Lech Welesa the founder of Solidarity - the movement in Poland that triggered the downfall of the Soviet Union. Also included is a special First Day Cover of the stamp issued commemorating his visit with the Pope.
Afghan Prayer Rugs. These unique and one of a kind rugs detail 9-11, the American invasion of Afghanistan, and the Soviet Occupation. True collectors items!
Apollo XIII - "Houston we've got a problem " An actual fragment of flown Kaption Foil removed from the Command Module after it returned to earth along with a signed copy of Failure is Not an Option.
Apollo 15 fragment of flown Kaption Foil along with original photos and a picture showing the members of the SEAL/UDT Team that "cracked the hatch" upon landing. This photo is a one of a kind and includes the actual signatures of the Team Members. This landing was one of the Recovery Teams most important operations. One of the shoots failed to open and the Capsule hit the water much harder then planned.
Atom Bomb Lot:
Contains an extremely rare piece of Trinitite which was formed when the Nevada Sands fused together after the first atomic test blast in 1945. Also included is an autographed picture of Edward Teller, CD Video of the Trinity Blast and an assortment of items associated with that historic day.
Bill and Jeannie Huck with Tim and Susan Naple
Crystal Watkins and Wenda Alvarez
Elena Mironova
The Dining Room with Guests
Greg Stein with Matt Simmons and Brian Jones
Teddi and Jansen Buckner
Duane and Renee Roth ** Ross Woodard with his replica rocket launcher
Reported by Margo Schwab
The Buzz
just fyi.....
At the Naval Special Warfare Foundation, photos of uniformed guests were not allowed for security reasons. Interesting stories abounded though. One officer told of the difficulties of clearing his credit. His bill, a whopping 32 bucks owed on credit card that did not get to him before his deployment to Afghanistan. He of course since has paid it but still it has left a mark on his credit report....
.... and Starlight Theatre to be very family friendly and affordable this Summer...
The Starlight Theatre will be featuring productions of High School Musical and Annie this summer. They will also have reasonable tickets prices starting at $10 and up.... Cool too is that children under 12 are free with a paid adult Thursday and Sunday nights....
Pets on Parade was a big hit on Girard... dogs were all gussied up and people were shopping.........good to hear....
so you know.........
Kima is getting more involved with the Arthritis Foundation.... she has a meeting with the big 'cheese' next month....very exciting!
and guess who Kima was flirting with.....
The very eligible bachelor Julien Hug may have gotten the 'go home notice' on The Bachelorette Monday evening, but he is doing just fine thank you. Kima says mighty fine in fact. She got gussied up in her wedding gown and went up to Julien's Mille Fleurs restaurant and asked the big question...
'will you marry me?' Julien said he would, but sorry Kima, you are just the wrong species......
...Kima was bummed but the nibblies off of Mommie's lunch at Julien's restaurant, Mille Fleurs were superb!
Julien - will you marry me??
well....you're still yummy and your restaurant is too!
Mille Fleurs Maine Lobster salad with Papaya and Avocado and fresh greens
Mille Fleurs Ravioli with Prosciutto and Fresh Acroutrements
Upcoming Events
June 6th - Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Spring Fling
Kima, The Athritis Foundation Walk's Dog Honoree and Dog Chair will be making an appearance at The annual Spring Fling gala titled Shangri Paw (an eternal paradise) is Helen Woodward Animal Center’s black-tie extravaganza featuring 20 of San Diego’s best restaurants, live entertainment, unique libations, amazing auction items for you and your best friend, and dancing till midnight! The 2009 Spring Fling will take place on Saturday, June 6, 2009. More information
June 6th - The Arthritis Foundation Walk.
The Arthritis Walk® is the Arthritis Foundation’s annual nationwide event that raises awareness and funds to fight arthritis, the nation’s most common cause of disability. It is a tremendous opportunity to help improve the lives of the 46 million men, women and children doctor-diagnosed with arthritis.
And Kima is the Dog Honoree for the walk! So 'Let's Move Together!'
To learn more about arthritis and this walk, please visit

Dogs get Arthritis too!
June 14th - The Fiesta Garden Party for P.A.W.S. or Pets Are Wonderful Support will host its fundraiser for aiding people with financial or disability needs, care for their pets. Animal activist and Emmy Award winning Loretta Swit will be attending the fundraiser. The event will be held on the grounds of an historic 1920's estate adjacent to Balboa Park. Well behaved and leashed dogs are welcome to attend. Kima will be wearing a custom Jordan Art Couture outfit that will be available by live auction. Please visit www.pawssdc.org for more details and tickets.
June 17th - Fashion at the Timken - Guest Speaker Patricia O'Connor, Founder / CEO of Fashion Careers College and Timken Docent. For reservations, please visit www.timkenmuseum.org
June 19th - The Rainforest Alliance postponed to October 30th.
June 20th - RITZ, San Diego Zoo Gala Fundraiser themed Midnight at the Oasis. Lisa Casey and Chris Andrews are the Chairs. For tickets and details please visit www.sandiegozoo.org
July 18th - Patrons of the Prado Gala will be held in Balboa Park. This year the beneficiaries are San Diego Junior Theatre, San Diego Natural History Musuem and Timken Museum of Art. Elisabeth Bergan and Anita Crider will be the Co-Chairs. Visit www.patronsoftheprado.net for details.
July 30th - 'After the Finish Line's' summer fundraiser, A Tribute to the Majesty of Thoroughbreds. This organization rescues and places unwanted former race horses with new loving owners. Please visit www.afterthefinishline.org
August 1st - Old Globe Gala will host its black tie soiree to coincide with the production of the First Wives Club. Please visit www.oldglobe.org for more details.
August 8th - Las Patronas will host its Silk & Spice themed Jewel Ball at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club. Jennifer Greenfield is the Chairperson. Please visit www.laspatronas.org for more details.
August 15th - The 'Catch the Royal Wave' will be the theme for the Fur Ball at the San Diego Humane Society. This event welcomes well behaved dogs on leash. For more details about this event, please visit www.sdhumane.org
August 29th - The Art of Fashion at The Timken Museum in collaboration with Fashion Careers College. For reservations, please visit www.timkenmuseum.org

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Thanks always for your support - Matthew Shillingburg
Party Archives
* Margo Schwab, more formally known as Margaret E. Schwab, has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab attended Holton Arms School, La Jolla Country Day School and La Jolla High School. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College, spent a business internship with S.A.I.C., Science Applications International Corporation, and earned a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego.
Schwab additionally took college courses from Harvard University, and Syracuse University. Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to support animal organizations and the prevention of people and animal abuse. Schwab is the editor of The Social Diary.
The Social Diary is pleased to announce new partnerships with the San Diego Humane Society and San Diego News Network.
Warning ** photos, video and writing on this site are the
2009 copyright
of The Social Diary LLC, San Diego Social Diary and its subsidiaries
no reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by The Social Diary