The Social Diary ~
Buzz, Billionaire's and More.....

June 19th , 2007
The Social Diary Columnist & Photographer
Margo Schwab
(high resolution photos available by request )
What do you do when you are a somewhat retired billionaire like Ted Waitt? Well, go surfing of course. Ted Waitt is headed for the pristine waves of Scorpion Bay on the West Side of Baja. He won't be roughing it though. He is flying down with his good buddy Fred Borrelli. Private plane to private compound with all the fixin's.
And that's Qualcomm's Jeff Jacobs' home that you will see featured in the July issue of Architecture Digest. Jeff and his wife Deni's seaside home was beautifully designed by Architect Bill Hayer. The home is a well thought out phenomena. A perfect quick vacation retreat from their house up the hill. Fyi, Jeff as you may or may not know, is the Executive Vice-President at Qualcomm as well as Head of World Development, so with all of that company travel, he is quite content to stay at 'home' for his family vacations.
In the tennis world......
Yes that's John Holladay and his daughter Hannah practicing on the front tennis courts at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club almost daily. That is except when they are on the road winning tournaments like the USTA National Father & Daughter Indoors.
Meanwhile phenomenal grande dame champ Dodo Cheney, 91 years young, with over 350 national wins to her roster, will be seated by the Queen for Wimbledon. Dodo also practices regularly at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club. You can't miss her. Dodo has unique tennis wear. Always in pearls, lipstick and lacy tennis socks as accessories. Quite the girly girl!
And in case you were wondering where Amy Butterfield, the fabulous former catering director at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla has gone, it's not far. Amy is now the National Sales Manager for The Grand Del Mar. That's the new Doug Manchester resort complete with spa, golf and villas. Not to fret for the Hyatt Regency La Jolla catering department though. It's in very capable and experienced hands with everyone's favorite, Robert Armstrong.
Local 'do it all girl' Kristi Pieper-Rossbacher was just honored by La Cuna, a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of San Diego's five and under children in the foster care system. Kristi had this to say about receiving the award. "Not only was it an honor to be recognized by La Cuna but to have my daughter, my mother and friends share in and be aware of their community efforts meant the world to me." And what Kristi does for this organization, and so many others including Children's Hospital, the San Diego Zoo, Las Patronas etc. is astounding! Three cheers to Kristi for all of her community work and spirit!
And Dolly Woo was just honored by the San Diego Performing Arts League. As their Gold Star Honoree, Dolly had this to say. "It's such an honor to be included with all the men and women who have received this award! Volunteering for the La Jolla Music Society has been so meaningful for me because I grew up in a musical family, and it is such a great plasure to still be surrounded by music. The LJMS brings musicians from all over the world to San Diego and gives their audience and volunteers the unique opportunity to to get to know the artists outside of the concert hall. I treasure the relationships I have made through my years with the Society. I would like to acnowledge the friends who have always been so helpful and generous with their support. Thank you to the S.D. Performing Arts League and congratulations to all the special honorees!
And when is a million bucks spent well worth it. Well when it's for the new La Jolla Spa MD's Vitaphenol Skin Care Collection from the creators Dianne York-Goldman and Dr. Mitchel P. Goldman. A lot of research & development, and a ground breaking ingredient, patented of course, makes this the must-have for your skin. Mangosteen, pomegranate, green and white teas, and medical grade ingredients are in the mix. The feeling is silky great, and the results are superb. Don't you just love technology when it makes you anti-age and rejuvenate?? I do!
Speaking of La Jolla Spa MD, they carry the eyelash growing phenom Revitalash. It's so popular it sells fast. It's a girl's best friend besides Restylane, Sculptra and a poster of Brad Pitt. Some socials out there are having to cut back a bit on Revitalash though because their eyelashes are so long, they are hitting their glasses. Best bet to get yours, put your name in and they will set one aside for you.
And on the international soiree scene couldn't get much grander than the American Friends of Versaille event themed Le Bal Marie Antoinette. Held of course at the Versaille Palace, which is grand in itself, it takes a lot of grand's to get a ticket. For $500,000, yes a cool half a million, you and nine of your friends could go to a slew of French and fabulous activities. Among the elegant crowd were Rancho Santa Fe's Tanya and Charles Brandes. You know Charles as the multi-billionaire investor, his gorgeous wife who also is a doctor, and their fabulous wedding a year ago that Elton John performed at. Back to Le Bal. Jeanne Lawrence aka ex-wife number three of the now deceased Larry Lawrence, former owner of the Hotel Del Coronado was also there. Jeanne attended with her pretty daughter Stephanie.
And if you can't get to France, you my as well drink some of their fine wine... check out Gary Parker's latest Wine Find!
That's the Buzz for now!
* Margo Schwab has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab attended Holton Arms School, La Jolla Country Day School and La Jolla High School. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College and a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego.
Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to lobby for water safety and for family violence mitigation.
Schwab is the editor of The Social Diary. Margo is currently writing a book based on La Jolla.
Warning ** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com and Margo Schwab.
no reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab