San Diego Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
I'd Be
Painting Now, But My Town is Flooding

Before the Flood" Painting by Artist Colleen Ross
SDSD Columnist Colleen Ross
Column #1, January 1st, 2006
news was filled with the flooding that took place just about half
mile from our home in Fairfax (and around the corner to down town
San Anselmo, near San Francisco). Astonishing, rushing
giant walls of water filled with mud, trees, and all the things
one might have in a yard---including a basketball stand
and hoop--- were traveling at an alarming velocity to downtown
via the canals, and streets to San Anselmo around 3:00 am New
Year’s eve; water depth about five to six feet inside of
the stores, and 30 feet above normal creek level pouring through
windows destroying everything in its path.
businesses must close. I live a block from down town San Anselmo
and am located on the street that goes to Fairfax. Neighboring
homes across the street from us, had their first floors flooded
with mud. Fairfax lost some homes to hillside mud slides jammed
with enormous old trees and casualties of anything else in its
many alarms thru that night before last, I felt safe and sound.
Quite late in the day, I took a walk to check out my town. The
grass was mangled, and embedded deeply with yard pots to shoes.
Not until the night news did I understand what had happened. Many
businesses will need to close due to the devastation, and certainly,
our little downtown will come back and be defined with new stores
and a new history added.
also, Levees broke in Novato with floods taking over---about 20
minutes from here, and Napa and many others are still under water.
Still, our home had no sign of being touched by danger.
will be remembered long for this. Just as when we moved here in
the mid 80’s, we saw historical pictures of row boats in
down town Mill Valley for their floods. I will remember it for
something a bit differently.
will remember 2006 as the first day towards understanding more
about so many things on different levels that includes a new focus
on the facts that we are all survivors........any of
us alive have something very special inside...the will to see
another day, to hold onto counting how fortunate we are to have
a friend, a roof, food or how we can/do help and make a difference
in other's lives. 2006 can be the best year ever by how well we
remember we are all sharing this space in time and while “here”
we can choose to make surviving an event worth noting!
later that day....
OUR TOWN IS JUST BROKEN. This is the same town George
Lucas lives in. One mile from my house is Sean
Penn. Many people do not like him…I have seen him
many times around and he is a neat guy…artist to the max…I
respect him……And then a hard working store owner I
know here and there struggling…and then this. Getting to
see it all twice now, talk to many about their experience….shocking
really….I am so grateful that I escaped getting in a mess
with it. One young woman was stranded on her car …and a
very risky dangerous rescue was made. I hear the flood hits hard,
fast and was completely a shock. Can you imagine the creek going
through town down low normally and raising over 30 feet in a flash….that
poured into the store windows…along with flood waters coming
from another direction….it will be most likely a week of
I will go to a shop to help tomorrow to
clean it. love, c
Colleen Ross is an artist of international reknown.
Ross's paintings are collected by many in Hollywood and the International
You can learn more about Ross's art by visiting www.colleenross.com
to New this Week .......
** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab