Glamorous Hats and People
Del Mar Opening Day 2009!!
Almost everyone wore a hat. It was Opening Day at the Del Mar Racetrack July 22nd, 2009 after all.
There were large hats, small hats, this, amongst a record crowd of nearly 45,000 happy track-goers.
Carrie Prejean, the former beauty queen was there. She started the day’s event by co-singing the Nation Anthem along with a recording of legendary Bing Crosby. Bing was a track regular in days of yore.
Jim and Dianne Bashor with Denise and Bertrand Hug
Beautiful Bo Derek was there too but there were many more who were worthy of a “Fashion 10.” Big local names like Jenny Craig, Denise and Bertrand Hug, Julian Hug from “The Bachelor,” and track regular, Tim Conway were present with race forms in hand.
Handily, it was the aforementioned and other fashionistas that drew the attention before the races started. Tanya and Charles Brandes had just returned from a European trip of 19 countries in 62 days. With it came a little shopping. Tanya wore a pretty white Versace dress with Philip Treacy hat from London, and colorful turquoise and diamond jewelry by Grisogono de Genève.
More amongst the glamorous was Jacqui Grande in Gianfranco Ferré and major South Sea Pearls. Jacqui designed her jewelry. Also seen, Emma Zuckerman was an 'Audrey Hepburn-esque standout' in Oscar de la Renta and a Philip Treacy hat, Lynelle Lynch in a colorfully patterned Michael Kors dress, Dianne Bashor in a beautiful one-of-a-kind suit by by Fe Zandi of Beverly Hills and Philip Treacy hat from London, Mary Walker in a trim suit and a hat by Diana Cavagnaro, and Denise Hug in a dress by Flavio Castellani and a hat by Frank Olive. It had a flirty ostrich feather trim.
That was merely the beginning of the beautiful people in place at the Turf Club. Sheryl White was there in a Bottega Veneta dress and Phoebe Price Fedora, and Karen Cohn coordinated her Oscar de la Renta with a navy blue hat by Philip Treacy.
By the way, Karen and husband Don Cohn have horse racing in the family blood. They own Ballena Vista Farms, a premiere race horse farm that has had such big names as Beau Genius, Deputy Commander, and Sea of Secrets.
Back to fashion.
Daran Grimm wore a red ABS dress. Her sculptured red chapeau was a find courtesy of a friend. Cindy Warwick wore a hat she found in Chicago from a milliner, Joye Blount wore a floral dress that matched her amethyst jewelry and husband Jesse Knight Jr.'s tie, and former Laker's player John Sally was easy to spot. It wasn't just his fedora hat and Cuban cigar, rather more that he towered above everyone else there!
Leonard Simpson was there to do KUSI's Style segment. And he did so fashionably in a Pal Zileri hand stitched suit with classic Versace tie. Maggie Bobileff wore a metallic Nicole Miller dress, Diana Cavagnaro wore, well, a pretty yellow Diana Cavagnaro hat, Phyliss Parrish wore a black Valentino suit with lace inset, and the very petite Linda Masters wore St. John.
Win, place, show, everyone truly had a winning time. Word is, while many stayed on for the Party in the Paddock at the track, others continued on to the “main stable” of popular après race hangs including L’Auberge, Mille Fleurs, Delicias, Pamplemousse Grille and the newest “cougar” hang for seasoned fillies, Zenbu in Cardiff.
To learn more about the 2009 Racing Season at Del Mar,
please visit www.dmtc.com
Please enjoy the photos.
If you wish to purchase photos, please email your inquiry. No downloading of photos without express written permission by The Social Diary thank you.
Jesse Knight Jr. and Joye Blount ** Charles and Tanya Brandes
Devon Escudero with Maggie Bobileff, Jacqui Grande, and Leonard Simpson
Pre-race the 'trainers' getting used to the sights and sounds
Jeff Powers with Carrie Prejean
Maggie Bobileff with Jacqui Grande ** Nancy O'Connor
Bill and Lynelle Lynch ** Tanya Brandes
Diana Cavagnaro with her husband George Bates ** Don and Linda Swortwood
Leo Zuckerman with Valerie and Lenny Recabaren
John and Phyliss Parrish with Linda Masters, Daran Grimm, Leonard Simpson, Ron McMillen, Edo Ciulli, and Devon Escudero
Tom and Cindy Warwick
Mary Walker with Carol Karlovich ** Lauren Gross with Mick Dapcevic
Robert Hasselick with his aide du camp and Peter Caruso
Emma Zuckerman with Ron and Sook Hansen
Edith Ricketts with Merle Lotherington and Cristull Hasson
Very popular Maitre 'D Jimmy making things happen for table placements
Jeff Powers with John Sally
Shanley Gardiner-Smith ** Young ladies
Lynelle Lynch with Jeanette Amen
Nicole Reino ** Jim and Lisa Mulvaney
Dianne and Jim Bashor with Diane Bell, Bertrand Hug, and Tanya Brandes
Don and Linda Swortwood with Denise Hug
Leo and Emma Zuckerman with Valerie and Lenny Recabaren
Carrie Prejean with her mother
reported by Margo Schwab
in custom Jemima Dutra 'Del Mar Silks' and custom Diana Cavagnaro hat
all photos and content are the strict copyright 2009 of TheSocialDiary.com and it's subsidiaries
The Buzz
As the day got longer, a lot of the skirts walking into the Race Track Opening day got shorter, .....lots shorter.
Jewel performed at philanthropist Joan Waitt's home in La Jolla on the 20th. It was all to benefit Promises 2 Children, a force against child abuse.... photo coverage upcoming...
The buzz is building for The First Wives Club set to debut August 1st at the Old Globe... the three 'wives' performed Tuesday at the Globe Guilder's luncheon featuring Naeem Kahn fashion. They were fabulous!
Speaking of Naeem Kahn, his runway show was a runaway hit with the ladies. Quite a few dress orders were placed immediately after the show.
More regarding The First Wives Club. The Social Diary received an email from one current bachelor who referred to himself as part of The Third Husband's Club.
Yes, The Social Diary missed being on KUSI's fashion segment for the races. Something about food poisoning recovery. You can tell from the reporter's photo above that makeup only helped a little!
Upcoming Events
July 30th - 'After the Finish Line's' summer fundraiser, A Tribute to the Majesty of Thoroughbreds. Please visit www.afterthefinishline.org for details.
July 31st - August 23rd - The La Jolla Music Society will host its SummerFest series. Please visit www.lajollamusicsociety.org for details.
August 1st - Old Globe Gala will host its black tie soiree to coincide with the production of the First Wives Club. Please visit www.oldglobe.org for details.
August 8th - Las Patronas will host its Silk & Spice themed Jewel Ball at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club. Please visit www.laspatronas.org for details and tickets.
August 13th - ChildHelp and Leonard Simpson fashion at the W Hotel. Details to come.
August 15th - The 'Catch the Royal Wave' will be the theme for the Fur Ball at the San Diego Humane Society. Please visit www.sdhumane.org for details.
August 23rd - The Moores UCSD Cancer Center will host the 1th Annual Luau & Longboard Invitational by Scripps Pier. For more information please ring 858-822-0023.
August 23rd - Country Friends will host an exciting new event called Hats and Flats. Sip champagne among the fashionable set. The event will take place at the San Diego Polo fields. Details to follow.
August 29th - The Art of Fashion at The Timken Museum in collaboration with Fashion Careers College's Pat O'Connor. For reservations, please visit www.timkenmuseum.org
September 11th - SIMA will host the 6th annual Liquid Nation Ball at the private oceanfront residence of Fernando Aguerre. This year the Humanitarian of the Year award will go to surf star Flea. Please contact Shannon Park at shannon@sima.com for more details or visit www.liquid -nation.com
September 17th - The Costume Council of the San Diego Historical Society will be hosting a one-of-a-kind event in Balboa Park to showcase select San Diegan's couture finds. The Social Diary is pleased to be a part of this showcase. For more information about this event, please visit www.sandiegohistory.org
September 17th - The San Diego Police Hisotrical Association will host a Legends Behind the Badge gala & awards evening at the U.S. Grant. San Diego Police Department's Chief of Police William Landsowne will serve as Honorary Chair with Ramin Portemeyer serving as Co-Chair. Please ring McFarlane Productions at 619-233-5008 for ticket information.
September 24th - The Country Friends will present the 54th annual “Art of Fashion” Runway Show at The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe. Proceeds from the luncheon, fashion show, boutique shopping and wine tasting will benefit Voices for Children, which provides court advocates for children in foster care. Couture fashions presented will be provided by South Coast Plaza. For ticket information, please contact The Country Friends at 858/756-1192, Ext. 4 or via email at events@thecountryfriends.org.
September 14th - Crime Stoppers Golf Tournament.
October 16th - The Rainforest Alliance will host it's gala. Details to follow.
October 22nd - The Walden Family Services will host their 6th Annual wine D'Vine event. Please visit www.waldenfamily.org for more details.
November 7th - The Golden Hangers / FCC benefit for Make-A-Wish and San Diego Variety Children's Network.

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Party Archives
* Margo Schwab, more formally known as Margaret E. Schwab, has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab attended Holton Arms School, La Jolla Country Day School and La Jolla High School. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College, spent a business internship with S.A.I.C., Science Applications International Corporation, and earned a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego.
Schwab additionally took college courses from Harvard University, and Syracuse University. Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to support animal organizations and the prevention of people and animal abuse. Schwab is the editor of The Social Diary.
The Social Diary is pleased to announce new partnerships with the San Diego Humane Society and San Diego News Network.
Warning ** photos, video and writing on this site are the
2009 copyright
of The Social Diary LLC and its subsidiaries.
no reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by The Social Diary