Scorpion Bay Surfing and Fishing Club

Private, Picturesque ......and Scorpion Bay Hotel too! ..., founded by Fred Borrelli
The Social Diary ~
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Fenison's Christmas Party, 'Pure' Fun!
... and Santa Claus was there too!
Yes Santa Claus was there, and he was greeting rsvp'd guests to Evva and Mike Fenison's annual Christmas party. Evva and Mike's son Evan was there too!
Guests arrived to their Point Loma home wearing festive attire, ready to celebrate.
Evva and Mike Fenison
After all, Evva and Mike like to do things big in a welcoming way. Ironically, the fabulous band they hired had the name Downbeat. But the mood was anything but down.
Upbeat was the tone and tenor as guests mingled on the top floor, with the dining table laden with buffet temptations. And downstairs, guests mixed about in the bar and entertainment areas.
'Rudolph-tini's' and more were poured, and old and new friends caught up with each other.
Among the fun ones there were Hanna and Terry Sheldon talking about their Pine Hills Lodge, Karina and Thom Tullis, Canadians new to La Jollans Elaine and Rod Spendiff, Joanne Wang and Chuck Hargrave, Drs. Lori Libs and David Libs, and Wendy and George Riffle of the Roseville Restaurant with their little ones, Laurel and Blanca. Also there were Cindy and Tom Warwick, yes, that defense attorney, and Mimi Lesseos.
Mimi is also known by her stage name the 'Magnificent Mimi Lesseos.' She was the featured boxer, that's sporting boxer not Kima boxer, in Clint Eastwood's Million Dollar Baby, as well as many other films. She just finished her sixth feature film called Double Duty. Tom Sizemore plays her love interest.
But on this night Mimi was just 'Mimi the Mom.' She had her twins Nicholas and Sofia with her at the party.
Guests enjioyed shrimp cocktails, Swedish meatballs, and a plethora of other tasty items.
And the party buzz was big about Mike Fenison's new company Pure Financial. That's Pure Financial Advisors, a new company of very smart financial sorts that Mike Fenison heads up as CEO. A lot of smarts in that household too. Evva is a Founder and the President of a company called EVVRO International. EVVRO strategizes franchise development and marketing.
This evening, Mike presented a PURE Commitment Award to Joseph Anderson. He's VP of Biz Development, and apparently Joseph does his job with a lot of vim and vigor.
More PURE festive ones there included Paul Miller, Jack Dugan, Matt Horsley, Ben Litmman, Brian Elliott, Alan Clopine, Chad Basinger, and Laura Hawkins.
Still more guests included Carol Lorsch, Kim and Dr. Terrance O'Hara, Raven Rozzelle and Brian Wood, Carmella and Doug Wood, and Julie and Tom Dixson.
As the night continued on, dancing and more cheer pervaded!
Fay Stassis ** The Fenison Christmas Tree ** Guests
Terry and Hanna Sheldon
Mari and Ben Littman with Guest, and Host Mike Fenison
Elaine Spendiff and Fay Stassis
PURE Commitment Awardee Joseph Anderson with Mike and Evva Fenison
The dining table laden with tasty temptations
Thom Tullis and Karina Lion
Dr. Terrance O'Hara with Evva and Mike Fenison, and Kim Sisneros
Joe Anderson Receiving the Pure Commitment Award from CEO Michael Fenison
Evan Fenison with Santa, and Evva and Mike Fension (this photo is credited to Bryson Kim)
Evva Fenison with her rescue, Kitty
A few Christmas-y homes in the neighborhood!
A Merry Christmas it was!
The Buzz
There's one top notch plastic surgeon in town who doesn't advertise. Doesn't need to. Dr. Robert Singer has such a 'who's who' referral nationwide. From real botox injections, not the watered down stuff, to major cosmetic work with an artisan's touch.... and no, I'm not on his payroll, facts are just facts.
And yes that was financial smart sorts Judith and Duke Johnson toasting in the New Year with a few friends the other day down on the beach at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club. Nothing like bubbly on the beach with yummy caviar pie served on crackers. What a treat!
And just when you think Ritz and Glitz is on low ebb, comes the factual news that a whole lot people worldwide were flown into Paris two months ago by Van Cleef and Arpels, the jewelers. Van Cleef had guests flown in on private jets. Some people just came in with their own private jets. Why not? They were all regally entertained for four days of fun, fun, fun.... and jewelry showings. And every single $$Million Dollar Plus piece of Van Cleef jewelry available was sold..... Holy smokes!
Just so you don't get ruffled on that one in these economic challenging times, trust me... these same people also give gazillions to charity, and the sales sure employed a lot of people in all 'facets' of the jewelry business.
Most charities are needing those donors more than ever now. The Buick Invitational Gala benefiting the Monarch Schools is not sold out as usual yet for their upcoming big do. But they, and other groups are working very hard to make the best possible outcomes happen. Hey, even Jay Leno who was a headliner for the Buick Gala two years ago is about to take a paycut and a less popular time slot on tv. .... but he still gives big!
Giving big too is Bill Gates. And he chose San Diego to announce his $250 million pledge to eradicate polio.
And at yesterday's Las Patronas luncheon, numerous major beneficiaries were awarded their big checks from Jewel Ball fundraising efforts. The Social Diary was proud to dub this year's Chair, Jennifer Greenfield, 'Spice-y Chair,' and her husband Dr. Richard Greenfield, 'Dr. Spice.' The theme for this year's Jewel Ball is Silk and Spice.
Meanwhile, newcomer to the San Diego scene, Taylor Miller, kind of stole the show before the Las Patronas luncheon.... might have had something to do with her dazzling smile and her '56 light pink convertible T-Bird she pulled up in! It was quite fun cruising with her after the lunch too.... Kima thinks the ride is 'Barbie Hot.'
Other news. Weather guy John Elliott, who started as a weather forecaster in Bakersfield, continued as such here in San Diego and then got a big promotion to Morning Anchor on Fox. But there were bigger things in John's future. John is now the weather guy for CBS in the number one television news market, New York City. He did so on the way via MSNBC, L.A.'s CBS and now NYC. He's also the proud hubby to model Maryellen Ford-Elliott. They have a daughter Elizabeth, a red haired beauty who was signed to the prestigious Ford modeling agency at age 2!
And as many of us, whether we voted for him or not, hold high hopes for President Obama and the next four years.... can't help but wonder if Saturday Night Live is not contacting President Obama hoping for a poking a little fun at his oath taking boo boo on words, an easy mistake. But what a fun re-play it would make on SNL! .............
Upcoming Events
January 24th - Tosca and the Gala Opening for the San Diego Opera.. To learn more about the San Diego Opera season and its special events, please visit
February 7th - Mainly Mozart Gala. To learn more the gala and about Mainly Mozart's other events, please visit
February 12th - MCASD is hosting a Nordstrom fashion show at MCASD's downtown location. Tickets will go fast!
Know Someone Looking for a Job??
Here's a thought - the arts and other charitable organizations always need wonderful volunteers. What better way to do good deeds, stay in the mix, and have rewarding fun while volunteering.
...more next time!
Reported by Margo Schwab
Photoshopping and Photography Services
Photos on this website available if it is of you
available by The Social Diary
~ 619-384-7333
Email Commentary to be added
"The Buzz feature is excellent!!!
This gives yet another dimension to an already amazing website" - R
"I know how you like to be accurate so I thought I'd mention----and I hope you don't mind or get annoyed at me---that President Obama did not make a mistake ( or boo boo as you call it) at oath taking. Chief Justice John Roberts did. Roberts put faithfully in the wrong place." - R
"It was Chief Justice Roberts who made the mistake on the oath. And, 'not' President Obama. Who was trying to follow and repeat as he is supposed to. But I read that Justice Roberts said to Obama that indeed it 'was his fault'. Just for the record!" - S
(editor's note - , President Obama and Chief Justice John Roberts had words overlap. Then there was a misplacement in verbage caused by Chief Justice Roberts which necessitated an 'oath re-do' to exercise an abundance of caution to get things just right for the record..... As for the SNL thought, Bill Clinton used his appearance on SNL playing the sax to his advantage.... his popularity only went up!
Party Archives
* Margo Schwab, more formally known as Margaret E. Schwab, has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab attended Holton Arms School, La Jolla Country Day School and La Jolla High School. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College, spent a business internship with S.A.I.C., Science Applications International Corporation, and earned a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego.
Schwab additionally took college courses from Harvard University, and Syracuse University. Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to support animal organizations and the prevention of people and animal abuse. Schwab is the editor of The Social Diary.
Warning ** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary
no reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by The Social Diary