Genesis Awards 2010 Celebrating
Animals & Star Animal Advocates!
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It was all about animals and people for animals at the 24th Annual Genesis Awards show March 20th, 2010 at the Beverly Hilton.
The stars attending added their caché for animal welfare.
Actress Tippi Hedren was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her her 40 plus year dedication to the protection of animals. Her accolades are numerous. In 2003 Tippi was the co-author, initiator and driving force for the successful passage of the Captive Wildlife Safety Act. This act prohibits interstate commerce in exotic cats for pet trade. Tippi also has served on the boards of The Wildlife Safari, The Elsa Wild Animal Appeal, and as President for the American Sanctuary Association. Tippi has received the Annual Humane Award at The Helen Woodward Animal Center, she has received the ASPCA's prestigious Founder's Award and The Lion and The Lamb Award, the Presidential Medal from Hostra University, Tippi was inducted into the Smithsonian Hall of Fame in 2009, and that's just part of her many, many accolades.
Actress Melanie Griffith ** Tippi Hedren, Actress and Recipient of the Genesis Awards' Lifetime Achievement Award
Tippi is also the President of the Roar Foundation which is associated with her 80 acre refuge for big cats. The sanctuary is called The Roar Foundation;s Shambala Preserve. It's been home to big cats since 1983. There are approximately 70 cats currently. All are cast offs from private owners, zoos and circuses.
Tippi Hedren was presented with her award for this evening by her daughter, actress Melanie Griffith. Melanie grew up around rescued big cats from an early age.
Guests enjoyed mixing with celebrities during cocktail hour, before the awards presentation and gourmet vegan dinner.
A lot of fun but with a poignant purpose as pointed out by Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States. "The Genesis Awards is an award show with a purpose. It’s not just celebrating people because they’re famous, it’s celebrating actions and awareness that are really changing the world and making the world a better place, and animals need all the advocates they can get. The individuals we’re celebrating and recognizing tonight from the news and entertainment media are really shedding light on issues that deserve the public’s focus and attention. And awareness is the antecedent to action. And tonight we want to trigger even more action to help animals.”
Patrons Pam and Jerry Cesak of San Diego agreed and added this. “HSUS is the largest, most effective animal protection organization on earth. The Genesis Awards highlight the remarkable progress HSUS makes to enlighten people about animal abuse. When people discover how animals are suffering, they demand an end to it. Cruelty cannot stand the spotlight.”
"It was an inspiring, beautiful evening" said CNN Legal Analyst and CBS News Legal Analyst Lisa Bloom. "As a lifelong vegetarian (now vegan), I have chosen to opt out of factory farming, animal cruelty and exploitation. I don't want to make choices that cause suffering to other creatures. Why do we love dogs, but eat pigs? Why do we protect cats, but not rabbits? Why is livestock exempted from animal welfare laws? Why have farms become secret enclosed fortresses? Our culture has taken a wrong turn, and billions of animals suffer as a result. The Humane Society Genesis Awards reminded me that I am not alone in believing that there is a better way, and that respecting animals is a healthier way to live. ......And the vegan dinner was delicious!"
And there were more inspired remarks.
"Imagine being in a beautiful ballroom filled with the world's most determined warriors for animals, and that is what it is like to be at the Genesis Awards. Before I discovered the Genesis Awards, I worked to help animals, but often felt overwhelmed and alone with the weight of the pain and torment many animals endure. And, when I walked into the Genesis Awards for the first time, and witnessed the sea of warriors battling for these animals, I felt support, inspiration, hope and empowerment. There is hope. With these collective voices there is empowerment. Thank you HSUS for recognizing these warriors with the Genesis Awards." - Megan Blake, Pet Lifestyle Coach, Host/Pet Expert of Animal Attractions TV, www.MeganHeartsPets.com "
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Wayne Pacelle
Kima a service dog meeting her legal analyst hero of CNN and CBS News, Lisa Bloom
Jaclyn Sharp of Imposter4Animals.com ** HSUS Volunteer Bridget Streb
Dominic Scott Kay of 'Charlotte's Web' seeing his old friend Kima!
Katie Cleary of 'Deal of No Deal'
Megan Blake of www.MeganHeartsPets.com
Entertainment Attorney Kim Swartz
BooBoo Stewart of 'Twilight: Eclipse' ** Guest
Comedian Elaine Hendrix ** Actor Antonio Banderas on the move
Megan Blake with Kima
Melanie Griffith ** Megan Blake caught by surprise
Kima with a new friend
Actress Wendie Malick in red
Charlotte Ross of CSI ** Lisa Bloom being interviewed
HSUS photographer having a meet and greet with Kima
Actress Pauley Perrette of NCIS with the musician Moby
Dominic Kay Scott ** Lisa Bloom
Please click here to continue to page 2 of 6
p.s. - You can watch the Genesis Awards April 24th-25th, 2010 on Animal Planet
reported by Margo Schwab
photoshopped by Scott Johnston
The Buzz
We will never forget the words of actress Alicia Silverstone, to the effect if you are not ready to go vegan, maybe you would think about giving up one animal. After seeing how veal calves are raised, the choice was easy for us.
.... I remember the first Genesis Awards event I went to. It was 1997. Keely and Pierce Brosnan were there.... my friend Erika Brunson, the brilliant interior designer and animal champion, was the Chairperson of the event. It was quite an evening and I have been hooked on doing what is in my ability to do, to help animals live humanely. - Margo Schwab

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* Margo Schwab, more formally known as Margaret E. Schwab, has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab attended Holton Arms School, La Jolla Country Day School and La Jolla High School. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College, spent a business internship with S.A.I.C., Science Applications International Corporation, and earned a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego by way of Claremont Graduate School .
Schwab additionally took college courses from Harvard University, and Syracuse University. Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to support animal organizations and the prevention of people and animal abuse. Schwab is the editor of The Social Diary.
Margo Schwab and Scott Johnston of The Social Diary are pleased to announce partnerships with the Arthritis Foundation of San Diego County, Country Friends, the San Diego American Heart Association, and the San Diego Humane Society.
San Diego's The Social Diary would like to say a special thank you to our advertisers.
Valerie and Harry Cooper supporting the San Diego Opera
The Old Globe Theatre
Valerie and Harry Cooper supporting The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego
Judith C. Harris, Blair Harris, and Robert Singer, MD supporting the
Dian Fossey Gorrilla Fund International
Sammy's Woodfired Pizza
Roppongi Restaurant and Sushi Bar
Mosaic Catering
Dr. Laurie Marker of The Cheetah Conservation Fund
H. Moradi Fine Jewelers on Prospect Street in La Jolla
Pamela Pogue of Juelerie
Kary Favish of the Worth Collection
Diana Cavagnaro of Designer Millinery
Jordan of Jordan Art Couture and Animal Fashions by Jordan
Lizz Russell of The Lizz Russell Collection
Gary Parker of WineSellar & Brasserie
Owner and Chef Pasquale of Cafe Milano
Kevin Smith of Extreme Pizza in La Jolla
Jeremiah Sullivan of Neptunic Sharksuits
Drs. Sue and John Morizi of The Animal Hospital of La Jolla
Eugene Ladopoulos of Mistra Estates Olive Oil
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