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A Whole lot of FUN Revolving Around
Jordan Art Couture
and Animal Conservation!
Three different days of animal related Jordon designs, and all filled with fun. First it was a gals trip to Beverly Hills to raise awareness for the Cheetah Conservation Fund, www.cheetah.org, and the good works done by Dr. Laurie Marker for the cause.
Among the 'animal billboards' wearing beautiful couture by Jordan were Dani Hammer, moi, Jeanne Jones, Jordan, and Barb Paulos.
Barb limo-ed over from Palm Springs.
We animal billboards caused quite a stir on Rodeo. We proceeded to eat and shop our way through Beverly Hills. Jeanne Jones was 'busted' in a few stores where they knew her by name. Seems she is a well liked and remembered client at a number of chic enclaves.
Lunch on the Alley, a very cool producer hang, cocktails and appetizers like macaroni with truffles in the tea room at the Montage, and then dinner at the paparazzi favorite, The Ivy, where Fergie was dining.
Everyone asked about the cheetah billboards.... so great news for our adventure. We made our statement in an animal friendly way!
Next flash forward to lunch at the Pauma Valley Country Club. Hosted by Kay MacMurray, the luncheon featured: a fashion show by Jordan modeled by the chic PVCC ladies, jeweled napkin rings handmade by Jordan's son Kevin, and some informal modeling by the jeweled gals of Tiffany's.
The fashion was fun and oh so Jordan elegant. Jeanne Jones modeled with the PVCC gals. All were applauded. Seen in the crowd were Darlene Shiley, she did a little bit of Jordan shopping later, Peggy Stephenson from Tiffany's, Reena Horowitz, Jordan's mother Vergie, David Masterjohn, Chris Marek of the American Red Cross, and Jeanne Jones of course.
Jeanne is also the Founder of the Red Rose Society, a critically needed organization that raises much needed funds for emergency vans and such for San Diego and Imperial Counties.
Fun, fun day culminating when Jordan was presented with a birthday cake....so much for that secret eh Jordan?
Next it was a day devoted to the Painted Dog Conservancy in Zimbabwe. Jordan coordinated a trunk showing at the Grande Colonial Hotel in La Jolla, with a special luncheon.
At the luncheon were locals Judy Wheatley, Taylor Miller, Jordan, and Peter Blinston and Greg Rasmussen of the Painted Dog Conservancy. The painted dog boys discussed what it was like dealing with local politics and trying to save the Painted Dog through local education starting with children, and educating the world populace via international awareness and education.
Later, Greg and Peter were the featured guests for a reception at Sea World's Hubb Center that evening. Lycaon Pictus, or Painted Dog has not been known to hurt any human, yet it is humans that are the primary problem for their survival.
Now it is up to humans, to be the primary source for the Painted Dog's survival and re-thrival.
Please visit www.painteddog.org to learn more about this fascinating animal, and the ecological benefits for preserving it.
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First - The Cheetah Girls in Beverly Hills!
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The Pauma Valley Club Fashion Luncheon!
The Painted Dog Boys with Jordan and Friends
reported by Margo Schwab ..... in Jordan!!
The Buzz
Good news up at the Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon. They have 22 cheetahs that are doing well and breeding!
Meanwhile, you might have seen the 'uproar' over Kenya tribes putting poison out to kill lions. The lion population has diminished from 200,000 to 30,000. The locals want the lions dead because lions eat the tribal cattle..... Now with awareness, it looks like action is slowly being taken to stop the poisoning....
To Musical News......
Pictured here are:
SummerFest Gala Honorary Chair Lael Kovtun with La Jolla Music Society President and Artistic Director Christopher Beach, and Gala Chair Annika Kovtun. (Not pictured is Honorary Chair Jay Kovtun)
Annika and Gordon Kovtun held a reception for SummerFest patrons at their home overlooking San Diego to the South. Among the many there enjoying Annika and Lael's incredible buffet cuisine were Jeanne Jones and Don Breitenberg, Carolyn Yorston-Wellcome and Bard Wellcome, SummerFest Chair Martha Dennis, Patsy and David Marino, Sally Fuller, and Dolly and Victor Woo.
Part of the entertainment was watching the Kovtuns' egg laying chickens run back and forth across the lawn. And the lawn was next to the extensive fruit and vegetable garden.
.....Gordon explained, Annika got her garden, and he got his boat.
Back to things musical. SummerFest starts today, the 29th, which happens to be Annika's birthday coincidentally, and runs its full packed musical festival until August 23rd. The SummerFest Gala is August 14th, 2009.
For details please click www.LaJollaMusicSociety.org
Upcoming Events
July 30th - 'After the Finish Line's' summer fundraiser, A Tribute to the Majesty of Thoroughbreds. Please visit www.afterthefinishline.org for details.
July 31st - August 23rd - The La Jolla Music Society will host its SummerFest series. Please visit www.lajollamusicsociety.org for details.
August 1st - Old Globe Gala will host its black tie soiree to coincide with the production of the First Wives Club. Please visit www.oldglobe.org for details.
August 8th - Las Patronas will host its Silk & Spice themed Jewel Ball at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club. Please visit www.laspatronas.org for details and tickets.
August 13th - ChildHelp and Leonard Simpson fashion at the W Hotel. Details to follow.
August 15th - The 'Catch the Royal Wave' will be the theme for the Fur Ball at the San Diego Humane Society. Please visit www.sdhumane.org for details.
August 23rd - The Moores UCSD Cancer Center will host the 1th Annual Luau & Longboard Invitational by Scripps Pier. For more information please ring 858-822-0023.
August 23rd - Country Friends will host an exciting new event called Hats and Flats. Sip champagne among the fashionable set. The event will take place at the San Diego Polo fields. Details to follow.
August 29th - The Art of Fashion at The Timken Museum in collaboration with Fashion Careers College's Pat O'Connor. For reservations, please visit www.timkenmuseum.org
September 11th - SIMA will host the 6th annual Liquid Nation Ball at the private oceanfront residence of Fernando Aguerre. This year the Humanitarian of the Year award will go to surf star Flea. Please contact Shannon Park at shannon@sima.com for more details or visit www.liquid -nation.com
September 12th - Club Monte Carlo is coming to the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego. For details on this gala event, please visit www.mcasd.org
September 17th - The Costume Council of the San Diego Historical Society will be hosting a one-of-a-kind event in Balboa Park to showcase select San Diegan's couture finds. The Social Diary is pleased to be a part of this showcase. For more information about this event, please visit www.sandiegohistory.org
September 17th - The San Diego Police Historical Association will host a Legends Behind the Badge gala & awards evening at the U.S. Grant. San Diego Police Department's Chief of Police William Lansdowne will serve as Honorary Chair with Ramin Portemeyer serving as Co-Chair. Please ring McFarlane Productions at 619-233-5008 for ticket information.
September 24th - The Country Friends will present the 54th annual “Art of Fashion” Runway Show at The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe. Proceeds from the luncheon, fashion show, boutique shopping and wine tasting will benefit Voices for Children, which provides court advocates for children in foster care. Couture fashions presented will be provided by South Coast Plaza. For ticket information, please contact The Country Friends at 858/756-1192, Ext. 4 or via email at events@thecountryfriends.org.
September 14th - Crime Stoppers Golf Tournament.
October 16th - The Rainforest Alliance will host its gala. Details to follow.
October 17th - Sundt Memorial Fundraiser. Details to follow.
October 22nd - The Walden Family Services will host their 6th Annual wine D'Vine event. Please visit www.waldenfamily.org for more details.
November 7th - The Golden Hangers / FCC benefit for Make-A-Wish and San Diego Variety Children's Network.

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* Margo Schwab, more formally known as Margaret E. Schwab, has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab attended Holton Arms School, La Jolla Country Day School and La Jolla High School. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College, spent a business internship with S.A.I.C., Science Applications International Corporation, and earned a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego.
Schwab additionally took college courses from Harvard University, and Syracuse University. Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to support animal organizations and the prevention of people and animal abuse. Schwab is the editor of The Social Diary.
The Social Diary is pleased to announce new partnerships with the San Diego Humane Society and San Diego News Network.
The First Wives Club
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