Kima on Facebook! & Kima's Fan Page & Kima on Kintera! & Article on Kima
p.s. Kima would like to thank Barbarella's, Muttropolis, The Ascot Shop, Zenbu and the many other restaurants and stores that have put the Arthritis Foundation Walk poster up! Thank you!! - Thanks for all the work that you and Kima has done for the Arthritis Foundation. - Dave K. Uemura Immunology Specialist at Abbott

LEAD San Diego’s 2009 Visionary Awards
LEAD San Diego held its 2009 Visionary Awards dinner May 21 at the San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina. It was an evening exemplar of future leaders saluting current stewards of community service.
Guests arriving to this evening came to recognize the community achievements of some very remarkable San Diego leaders. They were: the 2009 Morgan Award to Darlene Shiley for her community and civic leadership and life-time dedication of community service, 2009 LEAD Graduate of the Year to Doug Sawyer of the United Way of San Diego County for epitomizing excellence in community leadership, The Ronald Kendrick Regional Stewardship Award to Eugene “Mitch” Mitchell of San Diego Gas & Electric and Chairman of the San Diego Food Bank Board of Directors for his visionary leadership on a complex regional issue, The Nathanson Award for Cross-Border Region Building to the Mercy Outreach Surgical Team for addressing and demonstrating solutions to cross-border solutions, The Economic Opportunity Award to Neal Blue and Linden Blue of General Atomics for their visionary leadership in creating economic opportunities that improve the quality of life in our regions that might not otherwise exist; and The community Collaboration award to Robert A. McNeeley , Excecutive Vice President, and Delores McNeely, Senior Vice President (retired) for Union Bank of California for their continuous commitment to problem-solving on complex regional issues.
Mitch Mitchell with Darlene Shiley and Robert and Delores McNeely
The Herbert G. Klein Award for Exemplary Leadership went to UCSD Extension's Bob Benson.
Among the many community standouts there supporting positive community leadership were Antoinette Sanchez, Melissa Costa-Manion, Douglas Gray, Jo Dee Jacob, Mayor Jerry Sanders, Jacqueline and Steve Silverman, Karen Bucey, Bill VanderWeghe, and Kate Adams.
“LEAD San Diego is such a marvelous organization and they selected excellent people from the Community to honor...and they are creative in picking different disciplines and fields in the Community,” said Kate Adams. “We are lucky to have LEAD to help find and educate leaders for this city and county.”
Drew Schlosberg, Community and Public Relations Director for the San Diego Union Tribune agreed and added this. "As always, the annual LEAD San Diego Visionary Awards offers our region the opportunity to celebrate the stellar accomplishments of longtime community leaders, while welcoming our county's future leaders..... the LEAD San Diego Class of 2009."
Jeff Marston has been going to this event for years. “Every year that I attend this LEAD event, I’m there originally to support friends being honored. Every year I leave with a renewed confidence that in spite of all our region’s challenges, the leadership is there, in practice or waiting in the wings.”
And confidence and congratulations to friends abounded. Judith and Neil Morgan were so thrilled that their friend Darlene Shiley received the ‘Morgan’ award named after them.
For others it was a synergistic and positive energy. “ LEAD is a nonprofit organization focused on developing community leaders who can provide a catalyst for creating a better future for San Diego,” said Jessie Knight Jr., Executive Vice President for Sempra Energy. “LEAD provides local emerging leaders with an overview of the region and the issues that impact it, access to San Diego's leadership, and a network of people and organizations that help.”
Others felt optimistic too. “LEAD continues to inspire involvement and leadership in San Diego which is so critical to all our organizations like the San Diego Public Library Foundation,” remarked Jay Hill. Hill is the Executive Director of the San Diego Public Library Foundation.
To learn more about the LEAD San Diego, visit www.leadsandiego.com.
Jacqueline and Steve Silverman ** Mayor Jerry Sanders with Drew Schlossberg
Jeff Marston
Linden Blue
Karen Bucey with Drew Schlossberg
Bill VandeWeghe with Melissa Costa-Manion ** Dawn DuCharme
Neil and Judith Morgan with Drew Schlossberg
Jo Dee Jacobs with Jay Hill
More information about LEAD San Diego - source, their website
Participants of LEAD are concerned about San Diego, have the desire to take a leadership role in creating positive change for the region, and are looking for opportunities to build on their existing leadership skills.
Our Vision
To advance the quality of life of the San Diego region through a growing network of capable, and engaged civic leaders.
Our Mission/Purpose
To provide balanced, issue-oriented programming that informs and inspires leadership and civic engagement on regional issues.
Our Values
Regional Stewardship
Diverse Participation
Quality of Life
Active Graduates
Economic Opportunity
Community Collaboration
Engaged Leadership
Established in 1981, LEAD San Diego is one of the oldest and most prestigious community leadership organizations in the nation and is highly regarded throughout the greater San Diego region. LEAD San Diego’s influential members represent all sectors of our community and are dedicated to providing leadership that is dynamic, meaningful, and relevant. LEAD San Diego, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation
reported by Margo Schwab
The Buzz
Those Las Patronas Gals turned up the heat....
They called it White Hot and apparently it was just a fun, fun summer kickoff party May 15th at the Madison Gallery in La Jolla. Guests came, Giuseppe Fine Catering provided the incredible edibles, and Michelle Coulon did the desserts. But it was the dancing to DJ Mick Scrivener that upped the ante....
...and this was just a week after Las Patronas held a fundraising event at Louis Vuitton... can I tell you how many new Louis Vuitton bags I've seen lately clutched by these gals.... and not to forgeting the 5 inch Louis Vuitton stillettos Maree Mossmer purchased...all for a great cause... San Diego charities.
....At the LEAD San Diego event.....
Honoree Darlene Shiley said the camera flashes were blinding... thank heavens she knows a place to go ...Shiley Eye Center...
.....and everyone loves a bargain these days......
That would be a quality bargain. Check out the Spring Menu at Tapenade. $38 for a 3 course menu that includes wine pairings. The main entrees are a choice of braised beef short ribs or a Pike quenelle in crayfish sauce....
.....that was Kerry Steigerwalt at the Beach Club the other day... you know the attorney with numerous television commercials... Seems he might be doing something with a transportation company.... Kerry.... Safe Ride Solutions.... they are the best!
And Mama's Kitchen Raised over $140,000!!
And for a great cause too! Mama's Kitchen is a non-profit organization that prepares delivers, and serves three nutritious meals a day to San Diegans affected by critical illnesses. All this at no cost to those in need. This year's theme was 'Taste the Joy of Caring. And caring was big as over 500 supporters turned out to the Hyatt Regency Aventine on May 8th, 2009. Over 65 San Diegan restaurants came up to the 'plate' and donated fine cuisine and wines for the cause. "Sam the Cooking Guy" was Culinary Host. Among the participating restaurants were The Marine Room, Piatti, The Tractor Room, Whisknladle, Urban Solace, Vagabond, Jake's Del Mar, Adobe El, JRDN, and El Bizcocho. Brian Malarkey of Oceanaire and Richard Sweeney of Confidential, both contestants of the popular series "Top Chef" on the Bravo Network, were in attendance.
More restaurants donating to the cause were Sbicca's of Del Mar, The Shores Restaurant, Sante's Ristorante and whew.... so many more. To learn more about Mama's Kitchen, please visit www.mamaskitchen.org
And May 14th was a fabulouse fashion event celebrating the Lyric Opera... As Honorary Chair Sally B. Thornton noted:
Terry of Whale Tails Chips went to Washington D.C. recently to help support whale preservation. Aside from telling lawmakers it was 'crunch' time....time to do something about the whales, Terry had a great time chatting with fellow supporter, Pierce Brosnan!
Upcoming Events
June 6th - Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Spring Fling
The annual Spring Fling gala titled Shangri Paw (an eternal paradise) is Helen Woodward Animal Center’s black-tie extravaganza featuring 20 of San Diego’s best restaurants, live entertainment, unique libations, amazing auction items for you and your best friend, and dancing till midnight! The 2009 Spring Fling will take place on Saturday, June 6, 2009. Kima will be there too as Dog Honoree for the Arthritis Foundation Walk.... More information first on the Helen Woodward event..... More information
June 6th - The Arthritis Foundation Walk.
The Arthritis Walk® is the Arthritis Foundation’s annual nationwide event that raises awareness and funds to fight arthritis, the nation’s most common cause of disability. It is a tremendous opportunity to help improve the lives of the 46 million men, women and children doctor-diagnosed with arthritis.
And Kima is the Dog Honoree for the walk! So 'Let's Move Together!'
To learn more about arthritis and this walk, please visit

Dogs get Arthritis too!
June 14th - The Fiesta Garden Party for P.A.W.S. or Pets Are Wonderful Support will host its fundraiser for aiding people with financial or disability needs, care for their pets. Animal activist and Emmy Award winning Loretta Swit will be attending the fundraiser. The event will be held on the grounds of an historic 1920's estate adjacent to Balboa Park. Well behaved and leashed dogs are welcome to attend. Kima will be wearing a custom Jordan Art Couture outfit that will be available by live auction. Please visit www.pawssdc.org for more details and tickets.
June 17th - Fashion at the Timken - Guest Speaker Patricia O'Connor, Founder / CEO of Fashion Careers College and Timken Docent. For reservations, please visit www.timkenmuseum.org
June 19th - The Rainforest Alliance postponed to October 30th.
June 20th - RITZ, San Diego Zoo Gala Fundraiser themed Midnight at the Oasis. Lisa Casey and Chris Andrews are the Chairs. For tickets and details please visit www.sandiegozoo.org
July 18th - Patrons of the Prado Gala will be held in Balboa Park. This year the beneficiaries are San Diego Junior Theatre, San Diego Natural History Musuem and Timken Museum of Art. Elisabeth Bergan and Anita Crider will be the Co-Chairs. Visit www.patronsoftheprado.net for details.
July 30th - 'After the Finish Line's' summer fundraiser, A Tribute to the Majesty of Thoroughbreds. This organization rescues and places unwanted former race horses with new loving owners. Please visit www.afterthefinishline.org
August 1st - Old Globe Gala will host its black tie soiree to coincide with the production of the First Wives Club. Please visit www.oldglobe.org for more details.
August 8th - Las Patronas will host its Silk & Spice themed Jewel Ball at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club. Jennifer Greenfield is the Chairperson. Please visit www.laspatronas.org for more details.
August 15th - The 'Catch the Royal Wave' will be the theme for the Fur Ball at the San Diego Humane Society. This event welcomes well behaved dogs on leash. For more details about this event, please visit www.sdhumane.org
August 29th - The Art of Fashion at The Timken Museum in collaboration with Fashion Careers College. For reservations, please visit www.timkenmuseum.org

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* Margo Schwab, more formally known as Margaret E. Schwab, has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab attended Holton Arms School, La Jolla Country Day School and La Jolla High School. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College, spent a business internship with S.A.I.C., Science Applications International Corporation, and earned a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego.
Schwab additionally took college courses from Harvard University, and Syracuse University. Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to support animal organizations and the prevention of people and animal abuse. Schwab is the editor of The Social Diary.
The Social Diary is pleased to announce new partnerships with the San Diego Humane Society and San Diego News Network.
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