The Social Diary ~
Stellar Stars for Stella Maris Academy

March 18th, 2007
The Social Diary Columnist & Photographer
Margo Schwab
(high resolution photos available by request )
A lot of supportive "Stars" came out March 3rd, 2007 to raise funds for the Stella Maris Academy. Among the 300 plus guests were Co-Chairs Cathleen Haggerty and Anseth Richards. Yes that's the Anseth whose award winning company Creative Occasions helped make the evening stellar for the evening's theme, "Star Way to Heaven."
The mighty Co-Chairs were joined by a plethora of supportive and well dressed guests who helped net a record $115,000 plus for the Stella Maris Academy 60th Anniversary Gala.
Co-Chair Cathleen Haggerty noted "It was a privilege to Co-Chair the 60th anniversary gala with Anseth and we’re grateful to both Monsignor Lyng and Mrs. Lowell for allowing us to host this landmark event. It was so much fun and we so enjoyed breaking new ground by holding the event under the stars at the school for the first time.”
Among the generous guests were Sheri and Peter Anastasi, Amie and Ron Baldwin, Betty and Michael Dunn, Sharman and Eric Dye, Gail Forbes with a number of her children, Janet and Richard Shanks, Bridget and Roland Santos, Ellen and Mark Wayne, Jan and Dave Irwin, Ruth and George Varonfakis, 2006 Teacher of the Year Mike Erickson with his wife, and Lee Clark and Dr. Jerry Pikolysky.
Lee Clark had this to say about the event. "Anseth did a fantastic job like usual. I am sure they were successful in raising $$$$ with 300 people bidding at the live auction. It was fun."
More there enjoying bidding, dancing and dining to the fabulous Robert Armstrong of Hyatt La Jolla catered event were Melissa and Cory Cunningham, Ann Kerr Bache and Tom Bache, The Honorable Joseph Brannigan and Mrs. Bernadette Brannigan, Kathy and Russell Ingledew, Betty and Buck McLean, and of course the Co-Chairs supportive husbands, Colin Haggerty and Keith Richards.
Lyne Lewis was the Auction Chair. Lyne helped bring in the enticing auction items.
Co-Chair Anseth Richards had this to say regarding the Stella Maris Academy and the Gala Event. “Chairing the 60th anniversary event was a way for me to give back to the school for the 20 years my children have been educated there. I was not only celebrating the school’s success with this event but also as a way to thank them for getting me into the business I’m running today and that is event planning. Without them, I might not be where I am today.”
With events like this, and strong community support, the Stella Maris Academy is ensured of providing quality education and foundations for current and future generations.
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Taylor Richards with his Father, Keith Richards ** Cathleen and Colin Haggerty
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The Reception Centerpiece with appetizers ** Anseth Richards with her son Taylor
Anseth Richards with her daughter Avalon and son Taylor
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Guests ** Cathleen Haggerty
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Cathleen Haggerty with Guest ** Ellen Wayne
The Young Ladies of Stella Maris Academy volunteering for the Gala
The La Jolla Fire Department with off-duty SDPD Officer Scott Johnston
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Guest ** Buck and Betty McLean
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Guest ** Russell and Kathy Ingledew
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Guest ** Anseth Richards and Kathy Ingledew
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Guest ** Annie with Sharman Dye
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Amie Baldwin with Guest ** Dining Room Table Setting and Centerpiece
Robert Armstrong of Hyatt La Jolla Catering getting a deserved shoulder rub before the big dinner
* Margo Schwab has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College and a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego.
Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to lobby for water safety and for family violence mitigation.
Schwab is the owner and publisher of The Social Diary. Margo is currently writing a book based on La Jolla.
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Warning ** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com and Margo Schwab.
no reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab