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The San Diego Council on Literacy's Chairman's Circle Reception 2006

December 12th, 2006
The Social Diary Columnist & Photographer
Margo Schwab
The San Diego Council on Literacy held its 13th Annual Chairman's Circle Reception December 7th, 2006 at the beautiful James S. Copley Library in La Jolla. Guests gathered in the cozy atmosphere as a pianist played, and the fireplace's lit wood crackled.
But this event was about more than just a cheery atmosphere. This special group of guests all have a common goal. "Improving quality of life" with literacy. Some key people were singled out for their significant contributions.
David C. Copley and Jay Hill
Nick, Judith Harris and Dr. Robert Singer, and Andrew Shelton
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The San Diego Union-Tribune Corporate Leadership Award for Literacy recipients: Dr. Robert Singer and Judith Harris ** Jeanne Jones and Andrew Shelton
The San Diego Union-Tribune Corporate Leadership Award for Literacy honor went to Dr. Robert Singer and his wife Judith Harris. Singer and Harris have unwavering dedication to the San Diego Council on Literacy. Dr. Robert Singer reflected graciously on the honor bestowed him. Judith Harris noted how important reading has been throughout her life. Judith also noted that this important event was started by the late Copley News Publisher, Helen K. Copley. A tradition that has now been carried on by Helen's son David C. Copley.
David, as you may or may not know, is Publisher and Owner of the Copley Press. The Copley Press has 20 or so key newspapers, one of which is very notably, the Pulitzer Prize winning San Diego Union-Tribune. As such, David C. Copley has been a stalwart supporter of many causes, among which foremost, is literacy. David was also Host and Honorary Chair for this literacy event.
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Guest with Scott Johnston ** Sheri and Dr. Stuart Jamieson
Among the guests on hand were Linda and Mel Katz, California Secretary of Education Alan Bersin with his wife Lisa Foster, Sheri and Dr. Stuart Jamieson, Lynelle and Bill Lynch, Jeanne Jones and Don Breitenberg, Audrey Geisel and Alex Butterfield, Catherine and Phil Blair, Colette Carson Royston (her husband Ivor Royston was unable to attend), San Diego Council on Literacy's Community Public Relations Manager Drew Schlosberg, and the Chair of the Board's David O'Brien, Victoria Hamilton and Paul Hobson, Margie and Paul Palmer, and Andrew Shelton.
Special guest Ramón Gomez spoke straight from the heart regarding his own literacy path. Ramón Gomez learned to read as an adult. Reading opened Ramón's life not only for work, but also for priceless moments like reading to his son.
To learn more about The San Diego Council on Literacy and how you can be involved, please visit www.literacysandiego.org .
The James S. Copley Library welcomes academic research inquiries regarding various segments of their extensive collections including the American Revolutionary War, The Southwest, John Charles Fremont, Abraham Lincoln, and Samuel Clemens... aka Mark Twain. Inquiries can be made by written correspondence to: James S. Copley Library, P.O. Box 1530, La Jolla, California 92038.
Guests ** Paul and Margie Palmer
The festive buffet!
Bill and Lynelle Lynch to the right with guests including San Diego Council on Literacy Chairman of the Board, David O'Brien on the left
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Ramón Gomez with his literacy council friends ** Victoria Hamilton with Paul Hobson and friend
David C. Copley, the Event Host and Honorary Chairperson, with Judith Harris, The San Diego Union-Tribune Corporate Leadership Award for Literacy honoree, San Diego Council on Literacy supporter Andrew Shelton, San Diego Council on Literacy Chief Executive Officer Jose Cruz
Literacy supporters with David C. Copley
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David C. Copley with Judith Harris ** David C. Copley with Margo Schwab
Randy C. Frisch, The San Diego Union-Tribune's Vice President of Operations and Business Development
* Margo Schwab has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab has a college degree
from Scripps College and a Masters of Business
degree from the University of San Diego.
Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to lobby for water safety and for family violence mitigation.
Schwab is the owner and publisher of The Social Diary.
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** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of margomargo.com and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab