San Diego's The Social Diary
Ladies, Lobster & Lunch!
(followed by The Buzz & Gucci!)
On January 12th, 2009, The Social Diary invited 16 ladies to 'Ladies, Lobster & Lunch' at Cafe Milano on Pearl Street in La Jolla. Aside from dining on Cafe Milano's famed homemade lobster and cheese raviolis, Buffalo Mozzarella and Tomatoes with Basil, the day had a purpose. To discuss favorite animal and arts organizations in San Diego.
Dr. Nancy Gold (Nancy Seid) with Lynda Kerr
Among the mix there were Kary Favish (Children's Center and Museum of Contemporary San Diego), San Diego Opera Dow Diva Lynda Kerr, Dr. Nancy Gold who is now newlywed Nancy Seid (Best Wishes!), Elaine Evans (supporter of the Riford Center) Terry Cooper, President of St. Germaine's Children's Charities, long time La Jollan Virginia Monday, Barbara ZoBell (Globe Guilders and San Diego Humane Society), Connie Basterache (she was in theme with a new Jordan coat and leopard boots), Patty Elkus of SeaKeepers and ARCS, Carol Karlovich (Carol hosted the VIP party for PAWS one year at her breathtaking estate), the designer Jordan (in Jordan of course!), Mary Drake (known for rescuing animals and she will be this year's Ronald McDonald House Charities Gala Chair), Anne Otterson (she's very involved with Project Concern International, the San Diego Museum of Art & more), Andrea Muir from the Arthritis Foundation of San Diego, and Kima the Service Dog (only service dogs with credentials are allowed in restaurants) and Arthritis Foundation Dog Honoree for the second year!
In absentia were Simran Noon, Kate Adams, and quite a few literary sorts who were at a meeting at La Jolla Country Club!
It was a real treat to be with these gals. Each interesting, and doing so much for San Diego. They were told to do one thing and one thing only. Vote on their favorite animal charity and their favorite arts charity.
The winners, the Helen Woodward Animal Center and the San Diego Museum of Art. Both will be getting a free ad on The Social Diary for a month too. See votes count.
Honorable mentions went to: The San Diego Opera, the San Diego Humane Society, the Timken Museum of Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, the La Jolla Playhouse, Lyric Opera, the Rancho Coastal Humane Society, P.A.W.S., the Zoological Society of San Diego, the Tijuana Dog Rescue, and a new one, A Wish For Animals.
Anne Otterson had this insight about the San Diego Museum of Art. "Hands down, it is the San Diego Museum of Art, a repertory of over 70,000 items of art, many of them treasures, such as the painting of the Venetian, Georgione, the only one in United States, He was a pivotal painter of the Renaissance, and an amazingly early precursor of the Impressionists. The Museum also has a remarkable print collection, a marvelous Latin American collection, and now an outstanding Oceana collection. It is truly an encyclopedic Museum, very under appreciated by San Diego."
And Connie Basterache offered her viewpoint on the Helen Woodward Animal Center. The "Helen Woodward Animal Center would have to be one of my favorite animal charities. Their motto is “People Helping Animals and Animals Helping People” and they really do so much globally as well as locally. With their ACES Program (Animal Center Educational Services)they provide free, 3 day seminars teaching others new ways of providing animal welfare. I know many animal volunteers and local shelters don’t care for HWAC—maybe they’re too big—but they are trying hard to do the right thing!! The short video on their website, animalcenter.org, explains it all."
All the gals went home with some of Cafe Milano owner's famous dipping sauce... Thank you Pasquale!
And thank you to all of these incredible ladies, for their compassion for the arts and animals!
Please enjoy the photos.
If you wish to purchase photos, please email your inquiry. No downloading of photos without express written permission by The Social Diary thank you.
Kima with the gals - Jordan, Lynda Kerr, Connie Basterache, Andrea Muir, Barbara ZoBell, M, and Gigi Cramer
Patty Elkus and Kima doing a meet and great!
Mary Drake with Kary Favish
Anne Otterson
Above and below ** Kima loving Jordan!
Above and below, one of the luncheon tables!
Any meat ravioli??
Terry Cooper
M and Kima
Mary Drake with Kary Favish and M
Virginia Monday and Kima
Elaine Evans and Carol Karlovich
Gigi Cramer with Andrea Muir
Chef / Owner Pasquale serving up his incredible homemade ravioli .... guest sommelier Lynda Kerr on the right!
Barbara Zobell with Patty Elkus and Anne Otterson
The Cheetah / Leopard Gals
reported by and hosted by Margo Schwab
photoshopped by Scott Johnston
The Buzz
The Latest from Gucci....
A day at Neiman Marcus where lunch, New England Lobster Cobb Salad, and shopping is fun.... really fun! The new Gucci collection was in ... and it's rich in detail.
We found Gina Muir out and about ... Gina is a big supporter of the San Diego Police Historical Museum

Photoshopping and Photography Services
Photos on this website available if it is of you
available by The Social Diary
~ 619-384-7333
email TheSocialDiary.com
Email Commentary to be added
email editor@thesocialdiary.com
Thank you so much for the lovely lunch. The food was amazing......I especially appreciate my own secret sauce!!! I think everyone had a really nice time!!! - Lynda Kerr, Dow Diva for the San Diego Opera
What fun we shared this afternoon! Your generosity is exceeded only by your incredibly effervescent personality and sunny disposition!!! No wonder everyone adores you!!! Thanks so much for including me at your delightful luncheon Tuesday and I felt very special being in such "august" company!! - Gigi Cramer
I am the one to be thanking you for the wonderful delightful lunch. I enjoyed it so much and loved seeing Mary Drake again. - Anne Otterson
Thank you for a delightful lunch yesterday at Cafe Milano! The food was fabulous! - Terry Cooper
Thank you so much for such an incredibly delightful (and delicious!) luncheon. I truly felt so honored to have been invited. What a wonderful group of ladies. You are so kind and gracious to have hosted such an event, with a special focus on animals and art. I am a HUGE lover of all animals, and in particular dogs. - Dr. Nancy Gold
What a lovely luncheon, inclusive delicious food, wine, dessert!Enjoyed meeting all your friends. Some I knew and some are new!You looked smashing! as did Kima! - Elaine Evans
Thank you so much for the lovely luncheon today. It was great to meet such nice ladies - Kary Favish
Thank you so much for including me at your luncheon - San Diego Museum in Balboa Park, I love the fact that they are exposed to so many visitors. - Mary Drake
THANK YOU for including me in such a terrific bunch of women..several new to me which was excellent! The food was delicioso but being with all of you was the best.- Gigi Cramer
It was “luscious”! I really enjoyed the afternoon and met so many nice women. - Connie Basterache
Party Archives
* Margo Schwab, more formally known as Margaret E. Schwab, has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab attended Holton Arms School, La Jolla Country Day School and La Jolla High School. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College, spent a business internship with S.A.I.C., Science Applications International Corporation, and earned a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego.
Schwab additionally took college courses from Harvard University, and Syracuse University. Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to support animal organizations and the prevention of people and animal abuse. Schwab is the editor of The Social Diary.
Margo Schwab and Scott Johnston of the Social Diary are pleased to announce partnerships with the San Diego Humane Society and San Diego Home & Garden Magazine.
San Diego's The Social Diary would like to say a special thank you to our advertisers.
Valerie and Harry Cooper supporting the San Diego Opera
Valerie and Harry Cooper supporting The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego
Judith C. Harris, Blair Harris, and Robert Singer, MD supporting the
Dian Fossey Gorrilla Fund International
Sammy's Woodfired Pizza
Roppongi Restaurant and Sushi Bar
Mosaic Catering
La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club
La Jolla Shores Hotel
The Shores Restaurant
The Marine Room
Dr. Laurie Marker of The Cheetah Conservation Fund
H. Moradi Fine Jewelers on Prospect Street in La Jolla
Pamela Pogue of Juelerie
Kary Favish of the Worth Collection
Diana Cavagnaro of Designer Millinery
Jordan of Jordan Art Couture and Animal Fashions by Jordan
Lizz Russell of The Lizz Russell Collection
Gary Parker of WineSellar & Brasserie
Owner and Chef Pasquale of Cafe Milano
Alex Gonzalez of Mercedes Benz of San Diego
Kevin Smith of Extreme Pizza in La Jolla
Jeremiah Sullivan of Neptunic Sharksuits
Drs. Sue and John Morizi of The Animal Hospital of La Jolla
Eugene Ladopoulos of Mistra Estates Olive Oil
Warning ** photos, video and writing on this site are the
2010 copyright
of The Social Diary LLC, San Diego Social Diary, and its subsidiaries.
no reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by The Social Diary