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Bal de
La Mer et Plus à Monaco, L'Année 2006

credit - Jeremiah
August 1st, 2006
The Social Diary Columnist & Photographer
Margo Schwab
(editor's note -
the following photos have been supplied as a courtesy from various
sources. The photos are all copyrighted to their respective owners.
The Social Diary would like to extend a special thank
you to Captain Ed Sullivan, Dianne York-Goldman and Kathryn Murphy
for their wonderful input and photos.)
A select group of La Jollans
jetted off to Monaco this last June. The setting was anything
but common though. With a back drop of historic and ritzy Monte
Carlo and its casinos, ballrooms, spas, and yes the famous Alain
Ducasse restaurant Louis XV, oooh la la, life was luxe and more.
While some preferred to speak
French, others spoke English, but all spoke of their uncommonly
common interests, the ocean, science and culture. As such, this
was not a frivolous trip but one with a purpose as noted by Captain
Ed Sullivan (Retired), Chairman of the La Jolla-Monaco Science
& Cultural Exchange Committee, of the La Jolla Town Council.
"As a representative
of the La Jolla-Monaco Science & Cultural Exchange Committee,
I believe that former President John F. Kennedy may have best
summed it up with words best for all of us as we work to network
to preserve our ocean....... JFK summarized our relationship with
the sea when he said, 'All of us have the same percentage of salt,
in our blood, in our sweat, and in our tears, and when we go back
to the sea, to swim and sail upon it, we go back whence we came!
....Dedicated to clean water, salt or fresh!'"
And so a representative committee from La Jolla went to the jet
close shores of Monaco with this goal, "the exchange of oceanic
knowledge and promotion of the arts."
La Jollans there included
Dianne York-Goldman
and Dr. Mitchel P. Goldman, Jan and Jim Fitzpatrick,
Maureen Sullivan, Captain Ed Sullivan of course, Phyliss Codlin,
Kathryn Murphy,
Lee Clark and Dr. Jerry Pikolysky, Max Gurney, Suzy Creel, Nora
Kreel, and Anne Cleveland.
You might recall Anne as the
swimmer who has swum the English Channel not just one way, but
both. This trip Anne did a lengthy swim round about Monaco. But
we'll get back to that.
ocean is one of the prime interests of His Serene Highness
(HSH), Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco. Prince Albert,
as he is less formally known to close friends (like Christian
Robbs of Greece and formerly La Jolla and Scottsdale) has always
had a keen interest in marine biology. Seems to be a tradition.
Prince Albert II's namesake, HSH Prince Albert I., founded the
world renowned "Oceanographic Institute" in Monaco back
in the late-1800's. The Institute included an aquarium, a museum,
and a library plus research facilities in Paris.
And so it is that HSH Prince
Albert II has carried on the tradition in his country. With events
like this year's 18th 'Bal De La Mer' at Hotel De Paris, significant
funds are raised for marine science. This year's beneficiaries
are the CIESM and The International Seakeeper’s Society.
Captain Ed Sullivan explains "CIESM
(International Commission For The Scientific Exploration of the
Mediterranean) was founded in 1910 and is one of the oldest scientific
intergovernmental organizations in the world. It is currently
funded by 23 member states that support the work of some 500 institutes
and more than 2,500 researchers committed to promoting marine
science for the lasting protection of the Mediterranean Sea and
the well-being of its coastal populations. Presiding over this
influential organization is H.S.H. Prince Albert II, Patron of
the Bal de la Mer.
CIESM’s mission is to set and coordinate
research priorities on marine issues affecting the Mediterranean
region. These include the rapid warming of the sea due to the
influx of subtropical water and exotic species through the Suez
Canal, and understanding the extent, impact and threat of pollution
in the Mediterranean. Other issues include establishing marine
mammal protection zones and regional fisheries regulations and
The International SeaKeeper’s Society
was founded at the Monaco Rendezvous in 1998. The International
SeaKeeper’s Society has become an important source of global
seawater data and marine meteorological information. The Society’s
membership includes yachtsmen who have their vessels and other
platforms equipped with compact, sophisticated marine monitors
developed and patented by the Society, and state-of-the-art weather
stations. This data helps improve marine weather forecasting around
the world, providing vital insight into oceanic pollution, global
warming and climate change. Each year, the Society honors one
outstanding individual for his or her contribution to save our
This year the 2006 SeaKeeper Award
Honoree was Walter Cronkite. Walter Cronkite is one of
the most revered, respected and honored broadcasters in the history
of television. During his extraordinary 65-year career in journalism,
Mr. Cronkite covered most of the seminal events of the modern
age and earned an unprecedented respect from viewers around the
world for the intelligence, sensitivity and authority he brought
to each subject and story. Often cited as among the world’s
most influential and trusted people, Mr. Cronkite used his position
and reputation to educate and inform his worldwide audience about
environmental threats. Besides his regular reporting on the CBS
Evening News, Mr. Cronkite produced numerous award-winning documentaries,
series, and special reports on the state of the world’s
health. These include “Can The World Be Saved,” and
Emmy Award winning series:
“Walter Cronkite’s Universe,”
and more than 100 hours of documentary coverage for the Discovery
Channel, PBS and other outlets."
Walter Cronkite is the recipient of numerous
awards and honors, including America’s highest civilian
honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, presented to him in
1981 by Jimmy Carter. A lifelong sailor, Mr. Cronkite’s
many passages and experiences at sea aboard
His 48-foot yacht, Wyntje has been the
subject of four nautical books. He recently took delivery of a
new 64-foot yacht, also named Wyntje, which he frequently sails
in his home waters of the Northeast U.S. and the Caribbean. He
lives in New York City and invited all the guests to his home
and out for a sail."
Dianne York-Goldman and Dr. Mitchel P.
Goldman were honored to personally meet Walter Cronkite at the
Bal de La Mer.
Regarding the rest of the events in Monaco,
Dianne had this to say. "As a member of the La Jolla/Monaco
Science and Cultural Exchange Committee, I had the opportunity
to be the spokesperson for La Jolla at our sister city, Monte
Carlo, Monaco. Coincidently, the 2006 Monaco Rendezvous celebrating
its 17th year was also taking place in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The
ShowBoats International Monaco Rendezvous 2006 is an extraordinary
invitation-only gathering graced by the world’s largest
and finest yachts for four event-filled days and nights in Monaco."
The visit first kicked off though with
a press conference and reception held at Musée Oceanographique
de Monaco. A welcome was extended by Dianne York-Goldman, of the
La Jolla Town Council.
Dianne adds "Kathryn Murphy and Anne
Cleveland, VP of La Jolla Town Council and world long distance
swimmer arrived after swimming from Cap Martin to the Musée
to kick-off the committee’s arrival in Monaco with a “splash.”
Max Gurney, Honorary Chairman, Consul of Monaco, Captain Ed Sullivan,
Chairman, and La Jolla artist Nora Creel presented a portrait
of Miss Ellen Browning Scripps as a “goodwill gift”
to the Musée Oceanographique de Monaco on behalf of the
Town of La Jolla."
Fun for the Goldman's also included The
16th Annual ShowBoats International Awards and a dinner at Le
Sporting Club De Monaco, with a costumed finale at The Monaco
Rendezvous 2006 Costume Dinner Dance at the Fairmont, Monte Carlo
The committee is developing
an itinerary including an ocean conference and cultural exchange.
Fashion will be the focus as art this year highlighting Monaco's
Isabell Kristensen fashion designs with models provided by Dianne
York-Goldman, CEO of La Jolla Spa MD. The Committee's
itinerary and events scheduled from September 6th to September
10th, 2006 will be highlighted at a promotion event in La Jolla
village. Showcased will be the film from the La Jolla Town Council
press conference at the Musée Oceanogrpahique de Monaco.
The Social Diary
will keep you up to date regarding future La Jolla
and Monaco Arts exchanges and events.
pictured here - Co-chairs of the La Jolla-Monaco committee's upcoming
Fashion Show in La Jolla (left to right: Isabell Kristensen, Monaco
Fashion designer with Dianne York-Goldman, CEO of La Jolla Spa
MD, and La Jolla-Monaco Exchange Committee Spokesperson, posing
in front of the Palace in Monaco's Old City.

HSH Prince Albert I (in
the center) receiving the La Jolla-Monaco Committee Honorary Chairman,
Max Gurney (on the right), (Ret.) Hon. Consul of Monaco, retired
in La Jolla after 37 years service in Monaco, and Captain Ed Sullivan
(on the left), Chairman of the La Jolla Town Council Committee
received in the Princess Grace Garden at the Palace.
HSH Prince Albert II expressed appreciation for the committee
raising awareness of his great great grandfather's oceanic legacy
in being the world's 1st benefactor along with Miss Ellen Browning
Scripps to form the world's 1st two oceanographic institutions.

pictured here - Dianne York
Goldman and Dr. Mitchel P. Goldman visiting with Bal de La Mer
Honoree, Walter Cronkite.
pictured here - Kathryn
Murphy and Anne Cleveland, (qui sont tellement contente au cafe
avec leurs jolie sourires), the ladies are very happily relaxing
at a Monaco cafe with beautiful smiles.

pictured here - Part of
the extensive yacht harbor in Monaco. The yachts tend to the mega-yacht
size, over 80 feet. These are not rentals, but privately owned
floating villas, fully staffed, completely luxe.
pictured here - A reception
set for La Jolla and Monaco friends.
pictured here - Equestrian
events are quite popular in Monaco.
pictured here - Anne Cleveland
swimming at a good pace.
pictured here - Kathryn
Murphy, Anne Cleveland and friend.
pictured here - La
Jolla-Monaco Exchange Committee Spokesperson Dianne York-Goldman,
of the La Jolla Town Council, visiting exchange Professor and
"honored guest" of this year's "30th Annual Monte
Carlo Night" at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego
at La Jolla, La Jolla is Monaco's Professor Jean Jaubert, Director
of the Musée Oceanographique de Monaco.

Visiting again with Professor
Jaubert after Prince Albert II's coronation last November 2005
was an extreme pleasure. This June 2006 it was quite an honor
to hear Professor Jean Jaubert a protege' of my childhood hero
Jacques Cousteau, who inherited his title of Director of the Musée
, and also the Science Director of the Cousteau Society, to agree
to visit Scripps campus and Birch Aquarium for the historic 1st
time that the Directors of the world's first oceanographic institutes
ironically both founded at the turn of the 20th Century will gather.
Professor Jaubert made many journeys on the famous Calypso which
educated my generation of Americans that "we all need to
take inherent responsibility to preserve our oceans." Cousteau
graphically warned us "that unless we take serious our inherent
responsibility to preserve our oceans, there will develop waves
of decaying organic matter that will have a stench so profound,
it will drive us from the sea's! into the deserts and the mountains."
Essentially describing the beginning of the end....unless we act.
The La Jolla Town Council home of world famous Scripps Institution
of Oceanography is very proud to establish our science and cultural
exchange in conveying with the President of Monaco's Parliament
Stephen Valeri, Scripps Director Charlie Kennel, motto, that the
committee had adopted......"dedication "to clean water,
salt or fresh."
pictured here - La
Jolla-Monaco Exchange Committee Spokesperson Dianne York-Goldman,
of the La Jolla Town Council, visiting exchange Professor and
"honored guest" of this year's "30th Annual Monte
Carlo Night" at the Museum of Contemporary Art La Jolla is
Monaco's Professor Jean Jaubert, Director of the Musée
Oceanographique de Monaco, and Captain Ed Sullivan, Chairman,
La Jolla-Monaco Science & Cultural Exchange Committee, partaking
in the wine tasting after the premiere of the "La Jolla Welcome's
Monaco" film shown in Prince Albert 1st Hall at the Musée
on June 22nd, 2006.

pictured here - Anne Cleveland
and Kathryn Murphy.

pictured here - Jackie
'O' and Ari Onassis aka The Social Diary's 'Lady
D and Dr. G" (Dianne and Mitch Goldman) at the
Monaco Rendezvous 2006 Costume Dinner Dance at the Fairmont, Monte
Carlo Terrace.

pictured here - On the way
to Monaco, there was a stop for some in Brussels where this magnificent
eating gallery is pictured and the famous statue pictured second.

on Discovery Channel's ... Shark Week - 'Dangerous
Jobs That Bite Harder!'
* Margo Schwab has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab has a college degree
from Scripps College and a Masters of Business
Administration degree from the University of
San Diego. Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations.
She also continues to lobby for water safety and for family violence
mitigation. Schwab is the owner and publisher of the
Social Diary.
to New this Week.....Margo
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** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab