The Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
Family Service Celebrates Love Lessons

the Social Diary Health Expert Columnist Ruth S.
Column #10, April 10th, 2006
note - Health columnist Ruth S. Jacobowitz does more than write
about health, she supports health related fundraiser's too.)
The Jewish Family
Service, JFS, called its Heart and Soul Gala "Love Lessons"
the evening was filled with heart, soul and love. The
gala, held at theTorrey Pines Hilton, was chock-a-block full,
a credit to the work of theorganization and to the three honorees,
Jan Tuttleman, Hamilton Loeb, and Linda Janon.
(pictured here - Julie Potiker
and Rabbi Danny Landes. Rabbi Landes is here visiting from Jerusalem)

With 450 in attendance, their
largest crowd ever, they raised
$500,000 dollars, their most gala dollars ever and it's all slated
for the
JFS social service programs.. From beginning to end we all got
lessons---especially watching the video detailing the contributions
of the
honorees. Jan Tuttleman was honored as founding chair
of the Jewish Women's
Foundation, a group dedicated to the helping Jewish women
and girls in need.
Hamilton Loeb Jr. chairs the JFS Senior Services Committee
dedicated to
providing services to seniors and was honored for his work with
seniors, and
Linda Janon was honored for organizing the Mental Health
Committee of the
JFS that in turn is set to open Hope Village in 2006, a
safe independent
home for adults with mental illness.
(pictured here - JFS Gala
Chairs Valerie Viterbi, Felicia Mandelbaum, and Nadja Kauder)

From silent auction to noisy
auction,and from cocktails to the delicious dinner it was a evening
of warmth and wonder. How does one organization, the Jewish Family
Service, provide so
much service to so many? The evening concluded with a benefit
performance by
Malashock Dance. The Gala Chairs were
Felicia Mandelbaum, Nadja Kauder and
Valerie Viterbi.
(pictured here - JFS Honorees
Linda Janon, Hamilton Loeb Jr., and Jan Tuttleman)

Ruth S. Jacobowitz is a
health advocate, lecturer, and the author of five consumer health
books. Her newest book is Final Acts—a
Visit Ruth at her web site www.ruthjacobowitz.com
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** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab