The Social Diary ~
St. Germaine Silver Tea 2006

December 23rd, 2006
The Social Diary Columnist & Photographer
Margo Schwab
You know an event is popular when guests are accommodated in shifts. Two in fact. The St. Germaine Auxiliary's 23rd Annual Silver Tea was held December 5th, 2006, at the spectacular home of Sharon and Joel Labovitz. With breathtaking views to La Jolla Cove and the Northern coastline, and a palatial home decorated festively, guests arrived at the Silver Tea and were welcomed by the Event Committee Chairman, Paula Taylor, and the Event Committee President, Karen Miller.
Tea was served elegantly by committee members from a sterling tea service. Tempting tea sandwiches and bite size desserts were placed invitingly on tables.
And for a great cause too. Patrons of this event have helped contribute more than $2 million dollars for programs that prevent child abuse since 1984.
Among those joining in this important community event were Maurine Beinbrink, Karin Camp (Karin's also a big Arthritis Foundation sponsor), Rita Crouch, Place Tegland, Jeanne Larson, Sally Irwin, Mary Johnson, Sandy Miller, Maggie Scheurer, Delores Smith, Margaret Stein and Sandy Worcester.
A few select 'boutiques' were present with holiday temptations. Kathryn Murphy was there with her must have items from her La Jolla Holiday Store. Doreen Schonbrun bought two necklaces from one boutique. A turquoise chunk necklace and a versatile multi-strand pearl necklace. 20% of the sales were generously returned to St. Germaine Auxiliary's efforts for children.
St. Germaine Auxiliary's Founder Barbara Christensen was fondly remembered and missed at this year's event. Sadly Barbara passed away from cancer three days earlier. She is also remembered as a Co-Founder of Voices for Children, and many other social service involvements.
Cheers to Barbara Christensen for all she has done to combat children's abuse. And cheers to all of the St. Germaine Auxiliary members and supporters who carry on that tradition!
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The festive entrance ** Guest with Joy Furby
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Becky Glenn and Linda Rutgard ** The decorated living room
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Diana Lombrozo ** Place Tegland
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Mary Johnston with Maurine Beinbrink ** Guest with Anne Middleton
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Kathryn Murphy ** Guests shopping
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Doreen Schonbrun ** Joan Bowes
Place Tegland with Jeanne Larson
Merle Lotherington with guests
A spectacular sunset view to La Jolla Cove
Mary Walker with guest
__________Zagat Accoladed....&.... "Culinary Genius!" says The Social Diary's Scott Johnston_______
* Margo Schwab has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab has a college degree
from Scripps College and a Masters of Business
degree from the University of San Diego.
Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to lobby for water safety and for family violence mitigation.
Schwab is the owner and publisher of The Social Diary.
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Warning ** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com and Margo Schwab.
no reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab