The Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
Kay Baker's Diary - The Baby Shower

The Social Diary Surf and Fashion Columnist Veronica
Kay Baker
Column #6 April 24th, 2006
Hi Margo,
We missed you but I had a really good time.
It was a beautiful day. I was
excited all my friends were excited and I got more excited. That
night I went
home and I couldn't sleep because I just kept thinking about him
and how
cute he was going to be in the blanket that my mom made for him
reading him the books that my sister gave me. My mind just kept
then I started thinking about the stuff I still need to get, I
finally got out of
bed and laid on the couch for awhile. We had a nice day yesterday,
except for
the traffic we hit coming back from L.A. where we met his Dad
for lunch. I
can't wait to see you and Scott in the commercial! Oh yeah, and
Scott got me
a new car. I have four doors now and side air bags, so baby is
going to be
safe. Talk to you soon. love, Veronica
VB ** Did you happen to get a couple of
photos?? & if you did do you mind
sending a few?? - you are going to be the best / coolest Mommie!
> Love ** Margo and Scott

Margo - The
girls just left for Fiji, so as soon as they get back they are
going to give
me a CD with all the pictures on it but here is one of me and
my cousin Tricia,
she is due right after me but is having a girl. We thought we
would let them
give each other a kiss. love, Veronica
Veronica Kay Baker is an international surf star, television
actress, and television host, in addition to being a favorite
face and personality for Roxy
/ Quiksilver.
She also is also the Fashion Editor for the prestigious Newport
Beach {714} Magazine. Her regularly featured
column is called Essentials.
to New this Week......Veronica's
** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab