The Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
San Diego to New
York - The "Buzz"

January 28th, 2006
by The Social Diary Columnist &
Photographer Margo Schwab
"Hillary" as in Hillary Clinton
was the guest of honor this week at a posh and beautiful
apartment on Fifth Ave, NYC overlooking the Park. Well dressed
guests mingled with Senator Clinton in support
of her re-election to Senate campaign. Among the attendees was
Susan Ulevitch of the 'Susan and Richard Ulevitch's.'
we know the Buick Invitational is in full swing but did you know
that Tiger Woods has an employee from Nike
follow him with fresh Nike apparel? Just one of the deserved perks
"when you got game." Meanwhile Tiger and his wife have
bought a 10 acre ocean front property on Jupiter Island in Florida.
The location is right by swank Palm Beach where he is keeping
their mega-yacht, Privacy. Word is they are looking to do a tear
down on the house and get their precise dream home built.... kind
of the way Tiger plays golf, precisely!
The Romanians are
coming.... lots of them, plus a plethora of journalists,
celebrities and more as the Davis Cup at the
La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club fast approaches.
Word is the USA players and Romanian players will be arriving
January 29th, a good 10 days before the Davis Cup start date of
February 10th.
And read this true
and harrowing story ...
MN was in the hospital for 8 days because of something everyone
should know. "I stretched my head too far back onto the shampoo
sink at the beauty salon, (many people tear their vertebral arteries
on these sinks-- it's called "beauty parlor stroke by doctors,)
and tore ["dissected"] my carotid artery, leaving me
at a 75% risk of stroke. How's that for a fluke! Everyone knows
those sinks are uncomfortable-- but we didn't know they could
be fatal!" - MN is now on blood thinners but thankfully at
home. Speedy Recovery!
More "Buzz" next
* Margo Schwab has produced,
written, interviewed and photographed for various media organizations
since 1989. Schwab has a Masters of Business degree
from the University of San Diego. Schwab volunteers
for numerous charity organizations. She also continues to lobby
for water safety and for family violence mitigation. Schwab is
the owner and publisher of the Social Diary.
to New this Week.......
** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab