The Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
San Diego
Crime Stoppers Luncheon 2006 - Enough is Enough!

June 9th, 2006
The Social Diary Columnist & Photographer
Margo Schwab
San Diego Crime Stoppers
was formed in 1984 to proactively and synergistically solve crime
in San Diego via the combined efforts of community volunteers
and law enforcement.
And Crime Stoppers has done
just that. Over 22 years, 3,500 cases have been solved through
tips to the San Diego Crime Stoppers. This includes 88 homicides
solved, 2,000 suspects arrested, and $16 million in stolen property
and wholesale narcotics seized.
To celebrate those individuals
who have surpassed standards to solve crime, the following individuals
were recognized at May 25th for the Crime Stoppers' "Enough
is Enough" luncheon:
(editor's note - these are
excerpts from luncheon program)
Corporal Greg White is recognized for his successful
efforts at implementing innovative community policing projects,
his "can-do" attitude, and his dedication to the citizens
of Carlsbad.
Corporal White's accomplishments include:
" implementing and managing the Chronic Habitual Alcoholic
Program which has had a positive impact on the transient population
in the downtown area
" leading the department's first Safe Streets Now program
which won a civil judgment and criminal penalty against a neighborhood
" member of the Tactical Response Team
" leading the Lagoon Patrol program
" drug recognition expert
Through his dedicated work as a Chula Vista Police School Resource
Officer, Officer Joseph Picone built rapport
and trust with students, teachers, and parents. As a result of
this trust, two elementary school students informed Officer Picone
of a man who was sexually assaulting children in the area. The
suspect, who is believed to have assaulted at least 5 children,
was arrested and is now awaiting trial on suspicion of lewd and
lascivious acts on children.
Officer Brian MacPherson is
being honored for his consistent service to the Coronado Police
Department and for an extraordinary rescue that saved the life
of a child. On routine patrol duties, Officer MacPherson is uniquely
skilled at detecting drunk driving-his arrests made up 18% of
the total DUI arrest for the department. In January of 2006, Officer
MacPherson and another officer rescued a child at the beach who
was buried under a sand berm. The officers provided basic life
support to the child-saving the boy's life.
For the past 11 years, Officer
Dan Thompson has served the El Cajon Police Department
as a patrol officer, SWAT team member, and canine handler. He
is a leader in the department-designing and leading training activities
for the canine and SWAT teams.
His achievements include:
" 65 felony arrests
" 74 moving citations
" 209 field interviews
For the majority of her career, FBI
Special Agent Kris Robinson has worked violent crimes.
She has been involved in numerous investigations including child
abductions, sexual exploitation of children murders, extortions,
and sexual assaults. Special Agent Robinson is the co-case agent
on a complex undercover operation into the North America Man-Boy
Love Association in which group members are being prosecuted for
their intentions to travel internationally for sex with young
Her contributions to the FBI San Diego
Division include:
" Crimes Against Children Coordinator
" Primary Coordinator for National Center for the Analysis
of Violent Crime
" Coordinator and Team Leader for the Division's Hostage/Crisis
" Teaches the Basic Crisis Negotiation
" Member of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task force
" Certified Police Instructor
La Mesa Police Sergeant Chad Bell
is recognized for his work in developing and running
a successful, long-term undercover investigation, known as "Operation
Deep Impact." Sergeant Bell proposed the operation as a joint
partnership between the Regional Auto Theft Task Force, the La
Mesa Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives, and the State Department of Insurance.
The agencies worked together to set up a front for buying stolen
cars, property, firearms, and drugs. Sergeant Bell directed a
large group of officers in the day-to-day operations in this long-term
investigation. Through Operation Deep Impact, 42 stolen vehicles
and 17 stolen firearms were recovered and a total of 50 suspects
were apprehended.
In May 2004, Senior Officer David
Bavencoff returned to duty with the National City Police
Department after serving his country in Iraq. In the course of
two years, Sr. Officer Bavencoff has made extraordinary contributions
to his department including several challenging cases:
" Detective Bavencoff was the lead
detective in a county-wide robbery series spanning San Diego,
Chula Vista, and National City. All suspects eventually pled guilty
to nine robberies, received lengthy prison sentences, and each
were "struck out"-given two felony strikes each.
" Detective Bavencoff investigated
a complex a gang related homicide. Over the course of several
months, three suspects were charged with murder.
" The most notable case was a hostage
situation. After spending six hours on the motel rooftop, Detective
Bavencoff implemented the tactical rescue plan, successfully rescuing
the hostage. Once the hostage was rescued, Detective Bavencoff
assisted SWAT officers with physically taking the suspect in custody.
Oceanside Police Department Detective Richard Anderson
is a twenty-five year veteran of the Oceanside Police
Department. In 2004, he initiated "Operation Shakedown"
a multi-agency narcotics investigation in which several gang leaders
were electronically monitored over three months. The operation
concluded with the arrests of 21 documented gang members and the
seizure of three vehicles, $15,000, and 1.5 pounds of cocaine.
In addition, two suspects were arrested on the way to a drive-by
shooting at a rival gang member's house. This case has stopped
the violence between two gangs and severely hampered another gangs'
ability to continue their criminal activity.
San Diego City Schools Police Department Officer Dan Palkovic,
respectfully referred to by students
as "Officer Dan," has a "can do" attitude
and tireless work ethic that enabled him to establish rapport
with the students and staff at Scripps Ranch High School. He has
fully implemented the Campus Crime Stoppers program at his school.
Officer Palkovic's devotion to student safety resulted in him
receiving more tips and making more arrests from those tips than
any other officer in the department over the past two years. In
the last eighteen months, Officer Palkovic's efforts have generated
37 tips to the Crime Stoppers hotline resulting in 13 arrests
and the recovery of stolen property and narcotics. Officer Palkovic
encourages students to take an active role in making their school
safe for themselves and others.
San Diego Police Department Detective Deborah Burger
of the San Diego Police Department's
Sex Crimes Unit, has demonstrated extreme dedication and outstanding
service to the citizens of San Diego. In one recent case, Detective
Burger conducted a lengthy investigation of a Marine Corps member
who pursued and raped a juvenile victim he met on the Internet.
As a result of Detective Burger's determined investigation, the
suspect was sentenced to prison. In another case, Detective Burger
worked to arrest a suspect who had been terrorizing the transvestite
community. In assignments that require a delicate balance of compassion
and investigative intelligence, Detective Burger has successfully
solved crimes affecting vulnerable populations.
San Diego County Sheriff's Department Detective
Steve Reed has led the Marijuana
Eradication Program for the County of San Diego for several years.
His individual efforts in this area are unmatched in the state
and the nation. Over the last 5 years, Detective Reed has been
directly responsible for the seizure of nearly 1.5 million marijuana
plants from over 1,600 grow sites resulting in the arrest of 442
suspects, the seizure of 454 weapons, and assets in excess of
$11 million.
San Diego Harbor Police Department: Senior Police Officer
Laura Tosatto, a 15-year
veteran of the San Diego Harbor Police Department, is the Department's
Bay Control Officer, responsible for monitoring and taking enforcement
action in the various anchorages within San Diego Bay. SPO Tosatto
initiated a stepped-up enforcement process to enact compliance
for vessels under Port anchoring ordinances. This resulted in
a significant increase in citations, arrests, and the storage
of over 100 vessels. Many of these vessels were platforms for
criminal activity.
SPO Tosatto worked in conjunction with
the Customs Marine Task Force to disband a drug distribution ring
operating in the anchorage. She also worked closely with the District
Attorney's Office to bring several attempted murder suspects from
the anchorage to justice.
Stuart Segall of Stu Segall Productions
received a special award. He was recognized for providing
his studio lot for antiterrorist training.
Many were there in support of Crime Stoppers
included James Johnson, Crime Stopper Board of Directors
President Larry Gore, Brian Bilbray, Chief William Lansdowne,
Assistant Chief of Police Lou Scanlon, Sheriff Bill Kolender,
San Diego Harbor Police Chief Kirk Sanfilippo, Marc Bailey, John
Dadian, Adriana Uribe and Board Member and major sponsor,
Sally Thornton (of The John M. and Sally B. Thornton
Foundation) and her guests.
Sally's many guests included Tommi
Adelizzi, Betty Beyster, Margo Byers, Micki Farrell, Debbie Freidlander,
Doreen Schonbrun, Dottie Stanley, Kathleen Stoughton, Luawanna
Hallstrom, Sook Hansen, Jeanne Jones (Jeanne is fresh
back from a trip to Peru), Katherine Kennedy, Jeanette
Maxwell, Margo Schwab, Phyllis Parrish and Mary Walker.
Attorney General Bill Lockyer was
the featured speaker. Lockyer spoke of Crime Stoppers' positive
effects on communities.
Generous sponsors included: Heritage
Security Services, Deputy Sheriff's Association, SDPOA, Sempra
Energy, Jack in the Box, the Unified Port of San Diego, Viejas,
North Island Credit Union, Hotel Del Coronado, Union Bank of California,
San Diego County Credit Union and The John M. and Sally B. Thornton
John Dadian kept the luncheon
and awards program to within 2 minutes of schedule. After all,
there are crimes to solve.
To learn more about how you can
get involved, please click San
Diego Crime Stoppers.
(pictured here
- Purple Heart Awarded Scott Johnston with Assistant Chief of
Police Lou Scanlon)

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** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab