The Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
Kids Korps
USA 'Viva España!' Gala

April 1st, 2006
The Social Diary Columnist & Photographer
Margo Schwab
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Kids Korps USA was
created by Joani Wafer and Dawn Lehman in 1995 with the mission
of "Building Leaders for Life Through Youth Volunteerism."
And since that year, Kids Korps has grown steadily and big. Really
big. They can now boast a cumulative tally of 17,000 Kids Korps
youth and family volunteers, with an hours contribution level
of over 557,000 service hours to their respective communities.
Volunteers have stuffed 26,000 care bags for youth entering transitional
homes, built 55 homes and 625 bikes, helping over 220,000 youth
and adults in need.
To help raise needed funds,
a gala themed 'Viva España'
was held at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines on March
18th, 2006. The big draw for the evening aside from fundraising,
were the Honorary Guests, Larry King and Ryan Seacrest.

Unless you've been cut off
from the world, you know very well who these two are. Larry King
is 49 years strong as the top interviewer for CNN. King's show
Larry King Live, has spanned an incredible
40,000 plus interviews of world leaders and news worthy individuals.
Not afraid to ask the hard question, Larry is a very good listener
too. And Larry listened when asked by Kids Korps to host their
annual gala evening.
Last year Larry was
joined by entertainer Wayne Newton. This year, Ryan Seacrest was
called. Ryan readily accepted, which is quite something
when you get a taste of Seacrest's schedule. He's host of E!
Online, American Idol, On Air With Ryan Seacrest and American
Top 40. He also has invested in restaurants, has his
own production company called Ryan Seacrest Productions
(RSP), and is launching his own R Line
clothing this Summer.
In response to Ryan Seacreast
being labeled by The
Social Diary Interview
as 'a young Merv Griffin' of business
and entertainment, Larry King readily agreed. Ryan Seacrest demurred
that he respected what Merv Griffin and Dick Clark
had accomplished in business over the years.
And fyi, Ryan does produce
his own New Year's Eve: Live From Times Square With
Ryan Seacrest show now too, as well as hosting
so many other shows including this year's An Evening
at the Academy Awards.
But this particular and spectacular
evening was about something even bigger than these 2 stars.
It was about kids, ages 5-17 being taught the value of volunteering,
and seeing their efforts come through in the form of productive
community results.
Raising funds for this goal
started with a VIP cocktail party, and a meet and greet with Larry
King and Ryan Seacrest. Scene stealers were many, but among them
were statuesque beauty Tiffany Mahoney, in a
vibrant acqua blue silk dress. Tiffany was joined by her other
2 beautiful Gala Co-Chairs, Marian Benassi and Stephanie
Kourie. They along with Event Chairs Connie and
Bill McNally did a tremendous job putting together this
And the night was just getting
More joined the party for
the auction preview. Suzanne and Scott Appleby
were there, and so were Cathy and Nick Conners. Jenny
and Sid Craig were having a great time shopping the auction
items, as were Kim Pavel and her husband Chip Harrison.
Kim is on the National Board for Kids Korps. Her favorite
thing about this group, is watching children learn to volunteer
and learn the value of helping others.
And the adults helped this
mission by raising over $550,000 that night. Some key auction
prizes bid on during dinner added greatly to the tally. A Taylor
T5 Custom Electric Guitar autographed by The Rolling Stones
went for $40,000. Larry King Live tickets went for $11,000
and American Idol Tickets went for $10,500. An oceanfront estate
stay in Hawaii brought in $7,000 and a 5 night stay in a French
Chateau rendered $4,500. A Pamplemousse dinner for 24 went for
a scrumptious $12,000.
Larry King and Ryan Seacrest
topped it by presenting two items that were priceless. They
presented the 2006 Leadership Awards to the Myron and Wolf families
for their dedication to community service and to Kids Korps USA.
Gala Event Chairs, Connie and Bill McNally, and Gala Co-Chairs,
Marian Benassi, Stephanie Kourie and Tiffany Mahoney led the applause
for the Myron and Wolf families
More to be applauded are:
the Gala Committee including dedicated Eva Allison, Cindy
Bloch, Diana Burdick, Jennifer Dunn, Barbara Enberg, April Guinchard,
Michele Homan, Peggy Jennings, Susan McKenna, Sooz Noll, Marina
Pastor, Lisa Peterson, Lisa Rosen, Heather Scherer, Linda Smith,
Shelby Strong, Karen Tanz, Leann Van Langen, Joani Wafer, Wendy
Walker, Michelle Weinger, Suzy Westphal and the Wine Auction Chair,
Bertrand Hug of Mille Fleurs.
National Board Members: Cindy
Bloch, Larry Bloch, Barbara Enberg, Brian Hawkins, Dawn Lehman,
Charles Lehman, Connie McNally, Catherine Nicholas, Kimberly Pavel,
Bonnie Spence, Lee Stein, Ellen Stiefler, Joani Wafer, Andrea
Naversen-Wait, Wendy Walker, Michelle Weinger, Joanne Wolf.
If you see some names two
or three times, that's because they work that hard for Kids Korps
Among the generous sponsors:
Giorgio Armani, Clout Financial Services, Inc., Joanne & David
Wolf, Patty Applegate, Bank of America - The Private Bank, Marian
& John Benassi, Heller Ehrman, LLP, Cindy and Larry Bloch,
Susan Kazmarek and Craig Biddick, Daniel Bunn,
Jenny & Sid Craig, FreeLife International & GojiKids,
La Casa Center for Autism, Cammy & Terry Larsen, Connie &
Bill McNally - The McNally Company Antiques, Lomas Santa Fe Group,
Bertrand Hug - Mille Fleurs, Catherine & Art Nicholas, Serenity
Fund, Karen & Stuart Tanz, Pan Pacific Retail Properties,
Wealth TV, K. Ann Brizolis, Discount Tire Company, Barbara &
Dick Enberg, Cathy & Brad Geier, Verna Harrah, Jenny Craig
International, Regents Bank, Joani & Chuck Wafer, Tobi &
Ben Blatt, Ken King of San Diego Pools, La Salle Bank Wealth Management,
Dawn & Charlie Lehman, Cheri Myron, Chrissy & Rick Nicholas,
SDG&E, Susan & Bryce Rhodes, Sycuan Resort & Casino,
and Eileen Warren.
Marian Benassi, Gala
Co-Chair had this to add."This was Kids Korps' most
successful gala ever. We were thrilled to have Larry King join
us again this year and American Idol's Ryan Seacrest was a real
sensation. Everyone seemed to enjoy the theme and decorations
that transformed the evening into an enchanting evening in Spain."
Stephanie Kourie, Gala Co-Chair agreed and added
this. "A special thanks to Wendy
Walker for her continued support .A very big thank you
also goes out to Larry King who returns faithfully year after
year, and who is such a draw for our event.Also this year we were
very lucky to have the extremely popular host of American idol,
Ryan Seacrest as our guest, he was such a fun co-host with Mr.King!
Thank you to all those who attended the event, your continued
support is greatly appreciated."
to page 2 for more Gala Photos
Korps USA
Schwab Archives........New This
* Margo Schwab has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab has a B.A. degree
from Scripps College and a Masters of
Business degree from the University of San Diego.
Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to lobby for water safety and for family violence mitigation.
Schwab is the owner and publisher of The Social Diary.
** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab