The Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
David Copley
on The Social Diary's "Hot List"
26th, 2005 - The 'who's hot' list is big in San Diego.
It's not just about what you have, it's what you do with it. At
the top of the The Social Diary and SDSD
list is David Copley. He's powerful as Publisher
of the Copley News Empire, he's rich as in Forbes rich. But what's
interesting is Copley's compassion and generosity. It is not obligatoire
for someone in his position to give back to the community, yet
he does. San Diego Hospice, the Museum of Contemporary
Art San Diego, La Jolla Playhouse are 3 of the many organizations
that Copley has given generously to over the years.
to June, 2005. Copley received a necessary heart transplant. The
confirmed buzz is that Copley is saying thank you for the
gift of life quietly, but in a big way. Rumour has it that Sharp
Hospital's planned expansion has everything to do with one greatful
patient in particular.
David Copley, The Social Diary and SDSD
salutes your generosity and compassion.
Copley is pictured here with his good friend Judith Harris.

** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab