The Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
for Women

June 8th, 2006
The Social Diary Columnist & Photographer
Margo Schwab
Le Cirque de la Mer at the
Birch Aquarium in La Jolla was the setting for the Foundation
for Women's Spring fundraiser. Guests were invited to enjoy fine
cuisine, music by the Dene Davidson Trio and The Monarch School
Steel Drum Band, peruse auction items and more ... and it was
designated "A party with a purpose!"
Foundation for Women was raising
funds this particular evening for two of its main goals. One was
their micro credit program, both here and abroad, helping women
in need establish a business and an independent life. The other
is their wellness connections project, helping women with life-threatening
health concerns.
pictured here - Event Chairs
Dianne York-Goldman and Dr. Mitchel P. Goldman

Guest Sally B. Thornton wittily
worded this synopsis, "Just like, “a little lovin’,
a ‘jump-$tart’,
can go a long way!”
And it does. Many a business
women has been helped for as little as $250 turn their business
ideas into a thriving business and independent life.
(picture here - Dr. Mitchel
P. Goldman and Scott Johnston having fun with their mime friends)

Among the many supporting
the Foundation for Women were Linda and William Baughman, Linda
and Larry Stirling, Rosie and Bill O'Brien, Tamara and Walter
Novick, Dr. Padma Nanduri, Leigh and Stan Hartman, Jane Ellen
David, Bink and Jack Cook, artist Dottie Stanley, UCSD Chancellor
Dr. Marye Anne Fox, and the Event Chairs, Dianne York-Goldman
and Dr. Mitchel P. Goldman of La Jolla Spa MD and DYG Mineral
Dianne had this to say regarding
the event and its cause.
" Dr. Goldman and I were honored to be the Honorary Chairs
of the Foundation for Women's Le Cirque event. The Foundation
for Women is a very important organization to us, as we personally
believe so strongly in supporting health and wellness for women
all throughout the world. The Foundation has done so much in aiding
women and families in need within our own backyard of San Diego,
but it also recognizes the greater need we have to support those
less fortunate world-wide. Through being a part of the Foundation
for Women, I have experienced first-hand the joy that comes from
doing whatever you can, whether it be through financial means,
time dedication, or donating your talents to support women's causes.
Whatever you are able to give will be returned to you ten-fold
in the satisfaction of knowing you are helping those who need
it so much."
And Foundation for Women Founder
Deborah Lindholm expresses it well too. "I met a woman who
borrowed $4 - ..... She bought a comb, a pair of scissors and
a mirror and she put her husband in business as a barber. Now
she has a home and her children are in school. All because of
To learn more about the organization
and how you can get involved, please click
Foundation for Women.
Schwab Archives........New This
* Margo Schwab has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab has a B.A. degree
from Scripps College and a Masters of
Business degree from the University of San Diego.
Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to lobby for water safety and for family violence mitigation.
Schwab is the owner and publisher of The Social Diary.
** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab