The Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
ARTS Center at NTC Promenade:
Full Steam Ahead!

The Social Artist Guest Columnist Jill Hammons
Column #1, January 2nd, 2006
on our way! In only a little more than four years after it was
founded, the terrific non-profit called A Reason to Survive
(ARTS) is moving full steam ahead with plans to establish
the very first ARTS Center at the recently renovated,
soon-to-be-opened NTC Promenade in Point Loma.
In order to make this incredible dream a reality, an exciting
capital campaign has been launched. And to kick off the campaign,
generous philanthropists and wonderful ARTS friends Pam
and Marty Wygod have committed a challenge grant of $300,000,
matching every dollar raised (up to $300,000) until April 30,
2006! Yahoooooo! This amazing gift will be evenly split between
the upcoming center and an endowment for the organization.
"We're so proud to support ARTS in its mission to provide
desperately needed healing arts programs for children facing adversity.
We encourage others in the San Diego community to give generously
to this worthy organization," said Pam Wygod, president
of the Rose Foundation.
"The Wygods have been caring supporters
of not only ARTS but the entire San Diego community.
We feel extremely fortunate to have gained their support and trust,"
said Matt
D'Arrigo, founder and executive director of ARTS.
The ARTS Center will allow the fledgling organization
to expand its programming by offering creative in-house programs,
camps, and workshops to a wider population of children in San
Diego, while continuing to offer its signature outreach programs
at partner sites such as hospitals, homeless shelters, domestic
violence shelters and military bases. In addition to traditional
art classes, ARTS will run specialty workshops using the visual
and performing arts to help children cope with issues such as
grief and loss, divorce, abuse and neglect, physical and mental
challenges, and self-image and self-esteem issues. The wide range
of programs will be managed by a combination of top-notch artist
in-residence, collaborative partners (such as Malashock
Dance), professional artists, art therapists, interns
and volunteers. The ARTS Center is an essential resource
in San Diego, providing comprehensive, quality arts programming
for children facing adversity.
commented, "There is no other place in San Diego where children
and families can experience this level of creative healing through
the therapeutic and transformative powers of
the arts. The ARTS Center at NTC Promenade will
be a safe and nurturing place for children and youth to learn
about the arts, while expressing themselves in positive ways that
helps them cope with their challenges. In addition, having multiple
children's arts agencies at one location will create a 'one-stop-shop'
for kids to experience a variety of creative outlets." (ARTS
will sublease space to other children's arts non-profits.)
Paul Schroeder, 2005 ARTS Board Chair and Principal for
Architects Delawie, Wilkes, Rodrigues, and Barker, has
donated his services to devise the extensive plans for the center's
6,200+ square foot space. The space will include 1,500 sq ft dedicated
to office/administrative duties and will allow for future growth;
over 4,100 sq ft of program and storage space; and 600 sq ft that
will be subleased to other children's art non-profits needing
smaller areas. The program space will include a ceramics/sculpture
studio; multipurpose space for drawing, painting, printmaking,
and mixed media; a performance space for dance and theatre; a
music room, and a media arts room.
SO, TAKE THE CHALLENGE! Remember, if gifts are
made before April 30, 2006, Pam and Marty Wygod
will match it! Be a proud contributor to this tremendous opportunity
for San Diego. If you would like to participate in this incredible
opportunity and have your contribution doubled, please contact
ARTS Founder and Executive Director Matt D'Arrigo at 619-297-2787
or mdarrigo@artsurvive.org. For more information, please visit
Editor's Note - Pam and Marty
Wygod are also wonderful supporters of the San
Diego Opera
Jill Hammons is a long-time special events director at
Scripps Institution of Oceanography. She divides her time amongst
many charitable organizations such as The Hole in the
Wall Gang Camp, Passionfish, and ARTS (A Reason to Survive).
Jill is a Founding Board Member of ARTS, an up-and-coming San
Diego non-profit that provides free artistic opportunities to
kids in facing adversities. ARTS helps children heal through the
therapeutic and transformative powers of the arts---giving them
a reason to survive."
to New this Week.........Jill
Hammons Archives..........
** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab