The Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
The Choose
Life Foundation

January 27th, 2006
by The Social Diary Columnist Jim MacLaren
In 1993 my neck was
broken in a triathlon and I am now in a wheel chair.
The Challenged Athletes Foundation purchased a wheel chair accessible
van for me to enhance my independence. In 2004 I was blessed with
more independence than I could ever have imagined. I received
the Arthur Ashe Award on The ESPY's in 2005 and
obtained world recognition on the Oprah Winfrey Show.
Now, I want to share my life story and touch the world through
my Choose Living Foundation.
(Choose Living Foundation was Created
to Support Philanthropic Ventures of Jim MacLaren)
on Jim MacLaren
Jim MacLaren, the actor, writer, motivational speaker,
retired professional athlete and quadriplegic, formed
the Choose Living Foundation in 2005 to help people in need around
the world. The Foundation will support his philanthropic work
and allow Jim to contribute his time, energy and resources to
speak, mentor and teach a message of compassion, love and appreciation
for life to all people.

The Choose Living
Foundation supports many different organizations, including
the San Diego, CA. based Challenged Athletes Foundation
and Emmanuel Ofasu Yeboah's work to help disabled
people in Ghana. Jim will continue his support of Camp
"Good Days and Special Times", the largest
children's cancer camp in the nation located in upstate New York.
Most recently the Camp has added a special program committed to
assisting families affected by the AIDS virus.
Choose Living, in alliance with micro credit organizations, will
provide small loans to the poor through out the world to help
them with small business start ups and independent living.
Already the Choose Living Foundation has donated thousands
of dollars worth of clothes to local homeless shelters in San
Diego, CA. The Foundation has purchased a hand cycle
for a paraplegic in Tanzania, whose name is Good Luck.
Donations will continue to educate Good Luck and assure his success.
Choose Living assisted a challenged athlete in Peru with a special
chair to compete in. Before the donation, he was wheeling around
in a plastic garden chair with wheels.
Many accomplishments were realized in the last quarter of 2005
and Choose Living has even greater hopes and goals for 2006. Future
donations to the Choose Living Foundation will go on to change
more lives, inspire much needed hope, and continue to reach out
and touch the world. All donations can be made through Choose
Living Foundation at jimmaclaren.com.
The Choose Living Foundation is partnered with The National Heritage
Foundation and is a non-profit Foundation. Please continue to
check jimmaclaren.com.
for future fundraisers and updates on the Choose Living endeavors.
* Jim MacLaren M.A.
, MFA, PhD Candidate, is an award winning motivational
speaker, consultant, film actor, writer and Founding Member of
The Choose Living Foundation. MacLaren's mission
is one of compassion and aiding others.For a full listing of his
many accomplishments, future fundraisers and more, please visit
MacLaren's motto -
"Discover your human
and favorite quote -
"A hero is anyone truly intent on
making this a better place for all people."
Maya Angelou
to New this Week......Jim
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** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab