The Social Diary ~
on-line magazine covering High Society ..& more
USTA Senior Women's
Clay Court Championships
Houston, TX March 12 - 19, 2006
Houston Racquet Club

by The
Social Diary Senior Women's Tennis Columnist Ron Harkins
Houston, TX: This was the 36th
Anniversary for the Houston Racquet Club as they
played host to the USTA National Senior Women's Clay Courts Championships.
There weren't any limousines, charted buses, valet parking or
opening ceremony activity, yet there were over 234 ladies here
to play singles and doubles ages 35 - 85. There were nineteen
ladies representing the 85s events .....and these ladies
weren't here for social tennis. They were here to Win.
The weather in Houston was perfect with a few light rain
showers plus some new Club construction which did not delay or
hinder any play. Dodo Cheney won both the doubles and
85s Senior Women Tennis
Houston Racquet Club-Clay Courts

Tennis Photos courtesy:
Ron Harkins
Front Row: Fran, Taft (Cleveland, OH)
Maxine, King (Phoenix, AZ)
Midge, Stafford (Bass Harbor, ME)
Milly, Miller (Scottsdale, AZ)
Myra-Ann, Goddard (Paradise Valley, AZ)
Alice, Jones (Melbourne, FL)
Dodo, Cheney (La Jolla, CA)
Second Row: Mary, Hill (Claremont, CA)
llse, Jobson (Sarasoto, FL)
Mary, Mentzer (Villa Rica, GA)
Mary K, Cohen (Lenexa, KS)
Judy, Stark (Los Angeles, CA)
Jean, Selvig (Naples, FL)
Third Row: Lavelle, Kelly (Rockaway, OR)
Pat, Yoemans (Los Angeles, CA)
Lou Cille, Scoggins (Dickinson, TX)
Billie, Burr (Wellington, FL)
Mildred, Southern (Winston Salem, NC)
Not Pictured: Irene, Chu (Dallas, TX)

85 Singles
Dodo, Cheney "Gold" Lou Cille, Scoggins "Silver"
Tennis Photos courtesy:
Ron Harkins
* Ron Harkins has been
covering the USTA Senior Women's National Tournaments for over
20 years, providing photos to several local and National Tennis
Magazines.* Ron can be reached at prodj34@hotmail.com
to New this Week......Ron
Harkins Archives.......Davis
Cup Columns............
** photos, video and writing on this site are the
of the author, The Social Diary, San Diego Social Diary, margomargo.com
and Margo Schwab.
reproduction of any part or parts is allowed without written permission
by Margo Schwab