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(Copyright 2010 by The Social Diary LLC All rights reserved.)
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Three's A Charm for San Diego Symphony's TnT!!!...
Tux 'N Tennies!
Page 2
Some Fun Quotes
"Bill and Lori Walton were fabulous chairs for the event - and they shined last night. Their generosity and support for the SD Symphony has been overwhelming this past year and we are so very fortunate to have Bill on our board, too> We raised over $200K during "Fund A Note" to help further our education and outreach programs - which was fantastic. The crowd was tremendously supportive. Sycuan did an outstanding on the food, the sold out crowd really had a great time. Toni Braxton was marvelous. It was her first concert back in the public eye since her heart/health scare three years ago - a very special night for her and for the audience. Her two sisters onstage accompanying her were fabulous, too. It was a great kick-off to our Centennial Campaign - and we are very excited to celebrate our 100th birthday this year! I have my work cut out for me being chairperson of this campaign, and know San Diego will be there to support this amazing event. Being the oldest Symphony in California and a "Tier One Orchestra", certainly shows that San Diego has the best of the arts right here, right now. Lots more to come - Yo-Yo Ma is headlining our Opus Event December 3rd, and Lang-Lang is returning for a special event in January - stay tuned!" - Joyce Grosvenor - p.s. - " Kima looked adorable - you all did!"Joyce R Grosvenor
Regarding Kima the Poochie and Joyce's Gucci tennies..."Loved those Pucci's - cousin to Gucci's!" - Joyce Glazer
Please enjoy the photos.
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Lori and Bill Walton with Pat Rice ** Rachel Grosvenor
Kima with Lori Walton
Joyce Grosvenor ** Joyce Grosvenor with Elliott Pierce and Craigar Grosvenor peeking in from behind

Jessie Knight Jr. with Rosemarie Pierce and Katherine Kennedy ** Craigar and Joyce Grosvenor
Above and below, Joyce Grosvenor with Rosemarie Pierce
Kima with Scott Johnston
Scott Johnston with Kima ** Rhonda Hall ** Lori Walton
Ed and Joyce Glazer ** Deb Thomas with Patrick and Robin Singer
Simran Noon with Kima
Kima with Lori Walton ** Duane and Renee Roth
Kima loving the attention from Lori Walton
Event Chairs Bill and Lori Walton with Margo Schwab, Scott Johnston and Kima!
To learn more about the San Diego Symphony's Events, please visit www.SanDiegoSymphony.com
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For a look back to other great San Diego Symphony Events, please click
Symphony Gala 2009
reported by Margo Schwab
photoshopped by Scott Johnston
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The Buzz
Kima would like to thank her supporters for the Arthritis Walk held June 5th.... !! Over $130,000 raised and counting!!


Photoshopping and Photography Services
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~ 619-384-7333
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Email Commentary to be added
Wow, you work really hard! thanks for all of the great coverage!
-Lori Walton
Great job with your pictures lately Margo! Very cute!! - Sheryl White
Party Archives
* Margo Schwab, more formally known as Margaret E. Schwab, has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab attended Holton Arms School, La Jolla Country Day School and La Jolla High School. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College, spent a business internship with S.A.I.C., Science Applications International Corporation, and earned a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego by way of Claremont Graduate School .
Schwab additionally took college courses from Harvard University, and Syracuse University. Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to support animal organizations and the prevention of people and animal abuse. Schwab is the editor of The Social Diary.
Margo Schwab and Scott Johnston of The Social Diary are pleased to announce partnerships with the Arthritis Foundation of San Diego County, Country Friends, the San Diego American Heart Association, and the San Diego Humane Society.
Margo Schwab and Scott Johnston are both members of the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club (Margo Schwab since 1974) and both are new members of the University Club.
San Diego's The Social Diary would like to say a special thank you to our advertisers.
Valerie and Harry Cooper supporting the San Diego Opera
Valerie and Harry Cooper supporting The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego
Giuseppe Restaurants and Fine Catering
Anonymous for the La Jolla Playhouse
Carol Bader Design
My Perfect Pet - Fresh Frozen Food For Your Perfect Pet, Delivered too!
Your Manifest of YourManifest.com
Judith C. Harris, Blair Harris, and Robert Singer, MD supporting the
Dian Fossey Gorrilla Fund International
Old Globe Theatre
Rancho Coastal Humane Society
Lisa Shapiro of Pure Barre La Jolla
Dr. Laurie Marker of The Cheetah Conservation Fund
H. Moradi Fine Jewelers on Prospect Street in La Jolla
Pamela Pogue of Juelerie
Kary Favish of the Worth Collection
Diana Cavagnaro of Designer Millinery
Jordan of Jordan Art Couture and Animal Fashions by Jordan
Lizz Russell of The Lizz Russell Collection
Gary Parker of WineSellar & Brasserie
Owner and Chef Pasquale of Cafe Milano
Kevin Smith of Extreme Pizza in La Jolla
Jeremiah Sullivan of Neptunic Sharksuits
Drs. Sue and John Morizi of The Animal Hospital of La Jolla
Eugene Ladopoulos of Mistra Estates Olive Oil
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2010 copyright, all rights reserved,
of The Social Diary LLC and its subsidiaries.
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by The Social Diary